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- before they made up -

logan's P.O.V. 😏
after breakfast with maggie, i came over to the WDW house. i walked in, and started "shooting" everyone. they played along and went down, except for jack. i brushed it off, and greeted them.
"thasss muh boissss!" i exclaimed while vlogging. "hey logang follow us on instagram. our @ is whydontwemusic." they all said. "hey no one follow them" i said. "why not. you always say that we have to plug." corbyn replied. "that's why you guys are muh boisss!" i exclaimed.

today we were going to shoot the music video for their new song called 'these girls' i got to hear it before being released, and let me tell you, it's straight up fire. we all exit the house and walked to the van. we got in, and went to the place we were shooting the music video at.

when we arrived, i noticed that jack had been silent the whole time. i asked him if he was fine and this is what he told me. "i'm fine. it's just i'm talking to this girl, her name is maggie jackson, and i made her mad and now she won't text me back." he sighed. "wait bro. maggie jackson?" "yeah. she says she's 17. she was born june 22,1999 and she loves soccer and dancing and singing and she is just so amazing." he told me. oh gosh he is talking about the maggie i know. "ok well do you guys think you can come over later?" i asked "yeah" he replied

in the middle of shooting the music video, jack got a text. he was excused to answer it, and when he came back he was smiling like crazy. we all just looked at him and continued shooting.

•after filming•

before we left, i texted maggie, to let her know i was bringing people over.

maggie jacks ✨💚

hey i'm bringing some friends over

alright. about how many

just 5

i'm going to make dinner then

don't bother too. they only eat fast food.
i'll bring you taco bell though

alright thanks
love ya 💚
read 8:23pm


after we went to taco bell, we went back to my place. i opened the door and maggie was sat on the couch. she didn't even bother to look up, and continued watching what ever it is that she watches. "WE ARE BACK AT THE CRIBO" "and i got THE BOISSS WITH ME" "WHATS UP LOGANG WHATS POPIN. YA GURL IS HERE TOO" maggie yelled, still not looking up. i laughed and walked over to her while the boys walked over to kong.

i jumped onto the couch and sat next to maggie. " i brought someone that wants to meet you!" i told her "who wouldn't want to meet me?" she joked. i laughed. "Why don't you guys come serenade my best friend?" i asked the boys.

maggie's P.O.V.
logan asked some boys to serenade me, so they walked over to the couch. they surrounded the couch and started singing. i looked up and saw who is was. "OMG WHY DONT WE IS SINGING TO MEEE!" i yelled. they laughed and stopped playing. that's when i noticed jack. "NOODLE HEAD JACK!" i yelled, getting up to hug him. he smiled and looked confused. "it's maggie jackson. you should remember me!" i exclaimed. he finally understood and hugged me back. he picked me up and spun me around.

this lasted for a good 3 minutes until logan decided to interrupt the moment.
"maggie the other boys are here too ya know" he said looking at them. jack put me down and i went to hug the other boys. i hugged zach, then went to jonah, then corbyn, then daniel. "how come you got so excited to see jack but not us?" corbyn asked. "well you see, i have known jack longer. but i'm still happy y'all are here!" "wait. i'm confused." zach said. "this is maggie rose jackson. she is 17, loves soccer, singing, dancing, exploring..." jack started. "ohhhhhhh. this is maggie?" zach asked jack. "yeah the very same exact maggie i have been texting" jack replied. by now all the others were confused. jack and i explained everything to them, and they were less confused.

it was now 10:20pm and we were all just sitting having a 'fast and furious' movie marathon. we were only up to 'tokyo drift' and i was trying not to spoil the movie. i honestly love all of the movies and am very upset that paul walker couldnt be in the 8th movie. "ok i would love for the boys to stay and continue watching movies but you guys need some sleep to finish filming tomorrow" logan said as the movie ended. "alright. well we will see you guys tomorrow then." jonah said getting up. "yep. see you guys tomorrow thank for having us over" daniel said also getting up. the boys got all up and walked over to the door. i gave them hugs and they left. i thanked logan for today, and went to my room. logan went to his and edited the vlog. before going to sleep i texted jack.

jack avery ⚡️💕

gn noodle head. it was nice meeting you

haha it was nice meeting you too maggie. and i miss you already

of course you miss me. everyone misses me

do you think you can come over tomorrow?

umm probably

why don't you just come with logan tomorrow. we have to finish filming

sure i'll just ask logan if i can go with him
i'll let you know tomorrow
now go to sleep

gn cutie

gn sweet dreams 🙈

goodnight 😇
read 11:05pm


today has been a good day

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