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my phone went off, and i just groaned. i hit what i thought was snooze, but ended up answering a phone call.


hey maggie, it's jack


yeah jack avery

why are you calling me at i took my phone away from my ear and read the time. it was 2:58am. nearly 3:00 in the morning?

i can't sleep and i want to see you already

well go to sleep or i'm not going. i need to sleep too anyways


no but..., go to sleep.

but i want to talk with you

i would love to talk to you, but it's 3:00 in the morning and if you don't want me mad at you, you better let me sleep


thank you. now go to sleep noodles. i'll see you in like 6 hours.

ok beautiful. i'll see you in 6 hours. and you better be nice to me cause i'm letting you sleep.

sure. whatever. now bye noodles

bye beautiful.


after that conversation, i set an alarm for 8:15am. i turn off my phone, and go back to sleep.


i sat up in my bed, and started breathing heavily. thank god it was only a nightmare. i had been dreaming of jack, and the boys, and then out of nowhere, an earthquake started. we tried to get out of the apartment, but only zach, jonah, daniel, kong, and logan got out. maverick had flown out a window, and corbyn, jack, and i were stuck. the building collapsed, and we were still alive. we were hurt, and cut badly, but we were alive.

i got out of bed, and went to take a shower. there was no way i was going back to sleep. i grabbed a forest green colored youth idol world tour shirt, a pair of light washed skinny jeans with rips, underclothes, black socks, and my slides. i grabbed my towel, and went to the bathroom.

once i was done showering, and changed, it was 8:22am. my hair was still wet, and i didn't like to blow dry it, so i left it in a towel so it could dry naturally. i went to the kitchen, and started making breakfast. i made waffles, and eggs. i then went to check on logan to see if he was awake, and he was. he had just gotten out of the shower, and had his clothes on except for a shirt. i told him breakfast was ready, and he nodded. i walked out of his room, closing the door, and went back to the kitchen.

after eating breakfast, and finishing getting ready, we left. i was driving us to the WDW house, since logan is stupid and didn't wanna drive. i know i'm 17, but i have a permit and i'm a good driver. anyways, i drove us to the WDW house. i will say though, i did get lost a couple times, but we made it there. there house is just so amazing, and the view, god the view is so amazing too.

we were now entering their house, without permission cause that's how logan rolls. he walked right in, and started shouting while vlogging. "WHERE ARE MA BOISSSSSSSSS?" he shouted. i just followed him, cause i didn't know what else to do. he shot them down, and they all played along. he aimed at me, and i just stood there, then dramatically fell down. he laughed and then we all got up.

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