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i woke up today, and realized where i was. we were all laid on the couch, 'fate of the furious' playing in the background. i looked at my phone and the time was 11:32am. i was about to wake up the boys, but then i remembered that they had a long day yesterday and they didn't have to film today.

i was now showered, changed, and ready to go. i walked out of my room, and saw zach awake. playing on his phone. "well good morning zach." "oh hey good morning maggie"
i then continued my marry way to the kitchen. i took out everything needed to make pancakes, and started making the batter. half for waffles, half for pancakes.

after breakfast, we all just sat down on the couch, talking and every now and then, the boys would start singing. the boys were filming a mashup, when i got a notification. 'meet up with kian and jc at pizza place at 3:30pm' it read. wow, it was already 3:00pm. since i was showered, i just went to my room and put on a different outfit, a little mascara, and fixed my hair. it was now 3:10pm, so i snuck out while the boys were filming a mashup outside on the balcony.

15 minutes later i arrived at the pizza place, and found both kian and jc. they were sitting in a booth all the way in the back. i walked over to them, and sat with them. we ate pizza while we talked about our lives, youtube, our interests, and thinking about doing a collaboration.

we had spend about two hours just talking, and now i was going back home. i arrived at the parking lot, and parked my car. i then went into the lobby of the hotel, and went up to the apartment. when i walked in, i didn't hear anyone. i brushed it off, and went to my room. i took my shoes off, and turned on my phone. i had about 39 missed calls and messages from logan, 26 from jack, and 50 from four other numbers, which were probably the other boys.

i opened the most recent text sent, which was from 12 minutes ago and from logan. it read, 'maggie if you don't respond in 20 minutes, i am calling the police. i hope you are ok, and i hope you are safe right now.' i decided to call back, and it was not the best idea. just saying.

i was now sat on the couch, with logan yelling at me about leaving without letting him know. but i wasn't paying much attention. the boys were also here, and every time they noticed that logan started yelling louder, they told him to calm down. he had finally calmed down about 45 minutes later, after telling me all the bad things that could have happened, and that they were worried.

i finally got up, and went to my room. i texted kian before going to sleep, telling him i had a good time. i then texted jc, and told him thanks for everything. but before actually leaving my phone to charge, i made a group chat with jc, kian and i. i then told them good night, and plugged my phone in, letting it charge as i slept.

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