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after posting on instagram, lydia and i watched netflix in my room. we were watching an episode of full house when the door bell rang. lydia got up and went to get the door while i paused the show. when i got out into the living room, she was placing a box on the kitchen counter
"says it's for you maggie" she told me. "me? who would send me something?" i asked. "i don't know probably a fan" she said "no cause they send stuff to my po box not the actual apartment." i explained, walking closer to the box. "beats me, all i know is that it is for you. maybe kian send it."

i walked over to the kitchen to get a knife so i could cut the box open. i then went back and opened it. it contained some outfits, shoes, and jewelry.

( what was in the box ⬆️ )

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( what was in the box ⬆️ )

i folded everything neatly, and put it in a pile. could it be for a photo shoot? i thought to myself. no. who could it be from? i questioned.

i looked in the backpack, and it contained some more gifts. inside were 2 necklaces and a note. the note read:

to maggie,
dear maggie, you are such an amazing person. i'm so happy i met you and i just wanted to tell you that i really like you. if you know who sent you this, text me. you have my number. but if i don't revive a text, then i will know that you don't feel the same way, or don't know who i am.

from anonymous

i stood there for about 20 minutes, thinking who could it be? but that's when i though about it really well. i made a list of guys on my phone, that i know really well, and this is what i came to.

~ kian

but i honestly don't think it's either carson or hayden. they are like brothers to me. so that leaves me with the WDW boys, kian and jc. it can't be corbyn either cause he is dating christina. and it can't be zach because he has mia. so that leaves me with 3 WDW boys, kian and jc.

it could be jonah, but if it is, i don't feel that way about him. he is more of a brother figure to me.

it could be daniel but he seems too focused on music to care about me. so it can't be daniel. plus i've seen him lurking on my friends instagram accounts

then it's down to kian, jc, and jack.

it could be jc, but we have only hung out once and that was with kian there too. and i don't feel that way either about jc, so that leaves me with two.

kian and jack.

it could be kian, and it could be jack. they both look at me with goggly eyes, and i've spent lots of time with them.

it could be kian since i'm always texting him and hanging out with him.

it could be jack too since i met him first and i've known him longer. plus the other day that they stayed over, he just couldn't stop staring at me, and then also when i drove them back home.

i'll text...

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