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jack's P.O.V. 😏
today i woke up, and checked my phone. maggie still hadn't answered since yesterday when i send her an apology.

maggie 🙈✨💕

listen maggie, i'm really sorry. i shouldn't have blown up on you like i did. i was just pissed cause you didn't answer and i though that i did something. anyways, i miss talking to you and i hope you respond. please don't get mad at me.


after i re-read what i send to her, i got up and went to shower. i put on a black shirt, black jeans, and just walked downstairs. everyone else was dressed and ready for whatever we were doing today. none of the boys knew about maggie, except for zach.

i sat down at the island, and ate some waffles. i constantly checked my phone. still no reply. why won't she reply?! does she hate me already?! it's been like 2 days and we still haven't had a full on conversation. why though?? what did i do wrong??

i was snapped out of my thoughts by the boys yelling at me. "jack are you going to finish eating or not?" corbyn asked. "jack!" he yelled. "huh? what?" "are you going to finish eating or not?!" jonah asked yelling. "oh umm... no. i'm done." i replied. "alright" they said, and i walked away.

ugh she still hasn't responded. why??

corbyn's P.O.V. 😏
why has jack been acting so strange lately. he has been checking his phone constantly, and zoning out. the other day he came out of his room pissed. idk why, but we need to figure it out. maybe one of the other guys know. "does anyone here know what is going on with jack avery?" i ask them all. "no" "nope" "not a clue" they all say, except for zach. "hey zach what do you know?" " nothing. i'm just as confused as you guys are" he replied. "get him" i yell.

zach starts running, so we chase after him. we we eventually caught up to him and tackled him to the ground. he tried his hardest to escape, but i had him pinned down to the floor.

"zach what do you know?" jonah asked. "i said nothin ok. just let me go." he said, and tried to escape again. "we know that you know something. you better tell us or we will tell mia to get the truth out of you." i said. "ok fine. jack is having problems with a girl. and he is really upset that she won't text him back." he explained.
i let him go, and though about what could happen. oh and if you don't know who mia is, she is zach's girlfriend. (go follow jackramenavery she allowed me to use mia in my book. if you wanna know more about mia, then go read her story. and follow her too) anyways, i was thinking that if i figured out who the girl was, i could talk to her and convince her to talk to jack.

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