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i woke up, and checked my phone. i had over 100 notification. half of them asking why i haven't been active on social media, and the other half were texts. i quickly tweeted out:
i'm sorry about not being active. i will post later thought. i might even have a collab video with some amazing people up later.

i then read through the messages that i had, some from the boys, 20 from logan saying he was sorry, and tons from the groupchat.
trio of dorks ⚡️

k: maggie wake up

jc: wake up!!!!!

k: maggie!!!

jc: hahah i just noticed what the name for this group chat is

k: i'm not a dork! i feel offended

jc: hey kian do you think she will ever wake up

k: no probably not

jc: let's just keep texting her, in hopes that she wakes up

k: alright

jc: so how did you sleep last night

k: amazing. had the best dream ever!

jc: was maggie in it

k: yeah 🙂

jc: hm did you dream about kissing her?

k: umm....

hey you do know i'm still in the groupchat right?

jc: oh well look whose awake

shut up jc

k: yeah jc

you too kian

k: what? why me?

because i said so

jc: oh! sassy i see. i can roll with that

shut up. now i have to go. ttyl

jc: alright. byeeee ttyl girl!

k: haha bye maggie
read 7:32am

i got out of bed, and went to take a shower. when i got out, i put on a plain white shirt, black leggings, and my orange running shoes. i then walked out of my room, and went to grab a bowl of cereal.

after breakfast, i just laid around, and watched youtube videos, constantly telling jc and kian to stop texting in the group chat. logan still tried to apologize, and i kept telling him it was ok, but he wouldn't shut up. so i got up, and told him i was going for a run. he said ok, and i left.

instead of going on a run, i went to the parking lot, and got my car. i drove to starbucks and ordered a pink drink. while i waited, i looked for a picture to post on instagram, laughing at some that kian and jc took when we hung out.

my name was called, and i got up, i grabbed the pink drink, and sat back down. i continued searching for a picture, when someone came to my table. i looked up and saw a girl about my age, with brown hair. "hi" i said, trying to be polite. "hey. you're maggie jackson right?" she asked. "um yeah. that's me." i said "well i'm a big fan of yours." "awe that's so sweet. it's nice to meet you." i replied. "umm... i don't know if you know this, but i have the biggest fan page for you, you follow me and we have even talked in dm's" she said, in an almost whisper. "awe well thanks for supporting me. do you have a main account that i could follow you on?" "yeah actually, i do. it's @adelainemorin" she told me.

i followed her, and she thanked me. we then started talking, and i found out a lot about her. she is actually 14, best friends with Lauren Orlando, and dating Johnny Orlando. i asked her if she needed a ride home, and she told me that she was actually trying to stay away from home. due to her parents always fighting.

instead of just leaving her there, i told her i would take her home. she was so thankful, and i was happy that i could do this to help her. when we arrived, i parked the car and we walked to the elevator, talking about possibly touring. when we got to the lobby, we went to the elevator again, and went up to the penthouse level. once we got to that level, we walked to my apartment, and we went in. logan wasn't home, so we went to my room.

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