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i arrived back at the place they were filming, and brought the pizza in. they all looked at me and asked what took so long. "long line" i lied they all just nodded, and started eating.

kian 🍕

hey maggie. it's kian

hey kian, it's maggie

haha very funny

i know, i should be a comedian

no you shouldn't


i'm just kidding. i think. i need to get to know you better before i determine if you are funny or not.

are you like asking me to hang out


well then i would be honored

alright. where? when? what time?

umm.. how about tomorrow, at 3:30pm, at the same exact pizza place

sounds nice
i'll be there

alright see you then

hey it's jc. am i invited? or will i have to crash the party?

you're invited
or you can crash
what ever you want to do

alright i'll crash then. even though i am invited

alright then. see you both tomorrow

alright see you maggie. bye!!!

bye jc

hey it's kian again

anyways be sure to follow me on instagram and twitter, and add me on snapchat they are all maggiejackson

oh ok. i see the plug
be sure to follow me on instagram then, mine is kianlawley

nah i'm good. but follow me!

haha fine i will. i gtg film a youtube video but i'll text you when i'm done

alright. bye kian
tell jc i'll see him tomorrow

alright. bye maggie. can't wait for tomorrow

same but byeeee!

read 2:34pm

logan walked over, and tapped on my screen repeatedly while i was reading kians texts over. "logan stopppppp" i whined "logan stopppppp" he mimicked me. i just rolled my eyes, and turned off my phone "what?" "nothing just wanted to see what you were doing. you seemed so interested and happy with what you were doing" he told me. "i wasn't doing anything, just texting a friend" "and who may this friend be?" "hey are you guys done filming?" i asked hoping he wouldn't ask again. "yeah we are actually, wait... no you can't distract me. who were you texting?" "a friend now drop it." i said. "fine. the boys are coming home with us for the marathon on 'fast and furious'"

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