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- 1 week later -
1 week had gone by, and adelaine was still with me. logan bought a blow up mattress, and she slept there. we got really close, and she still hasn't talked to her parents. up until today. she got a message from her mother saying that she needed her home. apparently her mother and father were going to work things out, and stay together, so they needed her home. after i took a shower, and so did she, we changed into matching outfits that consisted of orange hoodies and black adidas sweat pants that we bought while she was here.

i put my orange running shoes on again, and she put on her converse. we went down to the parking lot, and we got in my car. i then drove her home, and walked her in. her parents thanked me for letting her stay with me, and i told them it was no big deal. she asked if she could stay with me longer, but her parents said that she couldn't just yet.

after dropping her off, i went to the WDW house. i missed jack and the boys, and i haven't been able to hang out with them too much due to adelaine staying with me. when i arrived, i knocked on there door, and jonah opened it.
"hey maggie. what are you doing here?" he asked. "hey and i just wanted to see if you guys wanted to hang out. i haven't been able to hangout with you guys, and i missed you." "oh well yeah sure, let me just get the boys, but come in while we get ready. it shouldn't take long." he replied, stepping out of the way so i could walk in.

once i was sat down on the couch, jonah went to tell the boys to get ready. i just sat on my phone and texted kian while i waited.

kian lawley 🤦‍♂️

hey kian 👋

hey maggie
what's up?

nothing much. just waiting for my friends to get ready so we can go to the mall or something

oh cool

what are you up to

about to film a video with jc

oh are you guys finally doing the recreating old pictures of yourself?!?!

yep we are 👍

can't wait to see it

oh you're never seeing that video

haha heck yeah i am

i'm going to embarrass my self

oh well
i still get to see it

haha sure whatever
i gtg now to film ttyl
read 10:13am

after texting kian, i heard the boys coming down. i decided that i wanted to scare them, so i hid. they all came down and asked where i was. i came out of my hiding spot, and attacked jack with a hug. he laughed and everyone gave me hugs. we then went to my car, me in the drivers seat, jack in the passengers, and zach, daniel, jonah, and corbyn in the back. btw i drive a tesla, not to brag, so there was enough space for them to fit.

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