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today i woke up at 7:00am. logan still wasn't awake, but should i be surprised? no. he has been working very hard lately, and he hasn't been getting enough sleep. today he said we would be going out, but i have no idea where to.

anyways, i make breakfast which consists of a bagel, egg, bacon, and sausage. for drinks, i poured some orange juice into two cups, and put everything on the table.

by the time i was done setting everything up for breakfast, it was 8:15am. i let everything cool down, and went to go take a quick shower. after the shower, i changed into a black shirt, black leggings, and put my slides on. i threw a thrasher hoddie on, and went to wake up logan. before i walked into his room, i put my hair in a messy bun.

i opened logans door, and grabbed his vlog camera. i set it up and started recording. i then went beside logans bed and jumped on him. "WAKE UP LOGAN!" "THE LOGANG IS UP AND READY, AND YOU'RE STILL IN BED? WHAT IS THIS?" "you don't know this vlog life" he answered still not opening his eyes. "yes i do, cause this is going on the vlog. so get up and moving cause we gotta vlog today" "cause ITS EVERYDAY BRO!" i exclaimed, making logan look at me and say, "u gud bro? do you need the survey?" i just laughed at that, and got up from his bed.

"i made breakfast, come eat before it gets cold." i told him turning the camera off. i then walked out and heard him yell "ok." living with logan is fun. well except for all the drama and the camera being shoved in your face. but other than that, i love living with logan.

i got snapped out of my thoughts, again, by logan, again. he was now wearing shorts and another maverick t-shirt. wow this child can't live without his merch can he? anyways, logan sat down and we started eating. he then got up, and faced me. "hey i know i told you i would take you somewhere today, but i have a meeting to go to." he said apologetically. "logan it's fine. i told you no yesterday, but since you insisted, i said yes." "you sure?" he asked. "yeah. it'll be fine. we go out every other time i make you dinner, we don't have to go out this time." "thanks for understanding maggs, your the best." he said and walked off.

after that, i just got up and washed the plates. i then went to my room, and grabbed my laptop. i opened up netflix, logged in, and searched up riverdale. i'm obsessed with this freaking show.

in the middle of the fifth episode, my phone started going off, indicating i was getting text messages. i turned it off, and continued watching riverdale. i'm telling you, i'm obsessed. with this freaking show. like you need to watch it.

after watching up to episode 9, i just got up, and went to the living room. it was now 3:00pm. i played with kong for a little, and let him out on the balcony to do his business. while kong was outside, i went and feed maverick. he already had food, but i added some more. i then left logans room, and let kong back in.

after playing with kong for a while, i went to get my phone. it was turned off, so i had to wait for it to turn back on. it immediately started blowing up with notifications. all text messages. and from one person too.

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