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once we arrived to the studio they would be filming in, they showed me around. they were then called over to film, so i just stayed back and watched.

i was sitting on my phone trying to take a good picture, when jack came over to me. "hey. how's it going?" "it's going good." i replied. "so what do you think-" jack said getting interrupted. "hey maggie, do you think you can go get us a pizza for lunch?" logan asked. "yeah sure. what kind do y'all want?" "umm... whatever you want. just get 2 but 2 different ones." he said handing me a $100.

i got up, and was about to ask jack what he was going to say, but he was gone. i shrugged it off, and walked out the building. i found logan's car easily, and drove to closest pizza place. i parked, got out, locked the car, and walked over to the place. i opened the door, and walked up to the counter.

after placing my order, i waited for it to be made. i sat in a booth and started texting my best friend/ zach's girlfriend. her name is mia, and she is really talented, and over all the best person ever. i was just about to ask her if she wanted to hang out later, when my order was ready.

i got up, and walked over to the counter. i asked how much it would be and they said $24.36. i paid, and was on my way out. but i was stopped. a tall, brown haired, brown eyed boy, now stood in front of me. "gosh. i'm so sorry, though you were someone else." he said. "umm... that's ok i guess." "no it's really not. i should have paid more attention." "no really it's fine." i replied. "i mean, if you say so." he replied. "no yeah, it's alright." "my name is-"

he was interrupted by a shorter, brownish-blondish curly headed boy, with brown eyes. if you didn't see his face, you could easily think that he was jack because of the curly hair. "hey kian, did you find her?" the boy asked. "umm... no but i found..." kian said looking at you, for an answer. "maggie. my name is maggie jackson." "oh my gosh, no way dude. you found maggie jackson, she is like the coolest 17 year old." the boy said. "well thanks" i giggled, a slight blush forming.

i would have continued talking to them if it weren't for my phone ringing. i took it out of my back pocket, and checked the caller id. it was logan. i ignores it, and put my phone away. "sorry about that." "no it's fine." the guy replied. "well i have to get going but it was nice meeting you guys." "oh ok." they said in unison. "by the way, kian and that's jc." kian said pointing to him then jc. "oh ok. like i said, nice meeting you guys." "hey could i give you my number, so we can talk later. i would really like to get to know you better." kian asked.

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