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kian lawley 🤦‍♂️

hey kian can i ask you something
read 10:27pm

yeah sure
read 10:27pm

wanna hang out tomorrow?



same pizza place?

yep ☺️

see you tomorrow

see you tomorrow
read 10:30pm

that night, i went to sleep, thinking about hanging out with him. and thinking to myself why i didn't ask him out

when i woke up, i checked my messages. i already had one from kian, and it was super cute.

kian lawley 🤦‍♂️

good morning maggie. hope you had good dreams. and i can't wait to see you later. i'm so happy to call you my best friend and i just want to know how i got so lucky. like damn. you could have walked away and not talked to me and not asked to hangout but you did. i feel like the luckiest person in the world. (jc does too) i really can't wait to see you later.
read 8:23am

thank you kian, i can't wait to see you either and nothing that i write to you rn will compare to what you send me. and i chose you because when i see you, you instantly brighten up my day with that cute smile of yours and that adorable laugh
read 8:24am

awe you're so sweet. can't wait for later

same but i gtg as of rn so i'll text you later
read 8:26pm

after that lovely conversation with kian, i got up and went to take a shower. i got dressed in:

 i went to the kitchen, and logan was there

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i went to the kitchen, and logan was there. he was already vlogging, and brandon was here too, and lydia was getting us breakfast. lydia and i have became close over the time, and when she stays over, she stays in my room. we are pretty close, so it's not weird that we sleep in the same bed.

after breakfast, i pulled lydia aside, and told her about kian. she was very excited, and she might even have a crush on jc. she knows what they look like because 1, she follows me on instagram and 2, she saw the pics i posted of them.

the day went by quick, and it was now time to meet up with kian. i told logan i'd be gone for a while, and i told him i would be with someone so he didn't worry. i just didn't tell him that that someone could have possibly become my boyfriend last nigh.

after arriving at the pizza place, i sat down at a booth and waited for kian. he showed up 5 minutes later, and said sorry for being late. i told him it was ok, and our hang out began.

(skipping them hanging out, don't kill me plz)

when i got back home, i posted on instagram.

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