Lucy's sweet Revenge

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[Disclaimer! I do not own fairy tail]

Let's start.

Chapter 1- leaving fairy tail

Lucy's POV

Ever since Lisanna came back everyone ignored me except Levy, Mirajane, Happy, Charles, Wendy, Gray, Erza, Gajeel, Lisanna, you know I get along with Lisanna very much she was so kind.

"Minna, ohayo" I greeted with a happy smile then every one ignored me except the others.

"Ohayo, Lucy" Mirajane greeted my with a smile.

"Ohayo Lu-chan" Levy greeted me

"Ohayo Lucy-san" Wendy greeted me.

"Mira, can I have some strawberry shakes please?" I ask Mira half hearted

"Okay" Mira prepared my shake "Here, it's my special strawberry shake".

"Thank you very much Mira, your shakes are the best!" I told her happily

While I was sipping my shake I saw team Natsu with Lisanna approaching me ,but Lisanna, Erza, Gray and Happy were wearing a sad face while Natsu is very happy.

"What's up" I asked asked Natsu

"Lucy, we're kicking you out of team Natsu" Natsu told me seriously

"W-why?" I asked him nervously

"We're going to replace you cuz your weak, you're always depending in your spirits, also whining about your rents and getting in the way" he told me with a cold glare.

"W-w-with w-who?" I asked him weakly

"With Lisanna, after all you're just a weakling" he told me as I looked at her sad face

"I-it's okay" after I told them that I went to the Master's office.


[minna gomen I'm to lazy today]

Makarov: who is it?

Lucy: it's me

Makarov: oh Lucy , come in

Lucy: *comes in with a sad face*

Makarov: child, what happened?

Lucy: *starts to cry* Master it's just *sniff* they kicked me out of Natsu *sniff*

Makarov: what are you going to do about it?

Lucy: *wipes her tears* I'm going to quit fairy tail

Makarov: *wide eyes* are you going to return

Lucy: maybe?

Makarov: *took her hands and removes the insignia* there, I hope you'll return

Lucy: don't worry, I'll be just training maybe for 3 years *went out of the office*

Mirajane: so what did you talk about?

Lucy: *fake smile* thank you for every thing Mira *tears rolling down her cheeks*

Mirajane: Lucy, *looks at her hands* no! Lucy, don't go! *starts to cry*

Lucy: *went out of the guild* good bye fairy tail

Levy: Mira-san what happened

Mirajane: Lucy left fairy tail

Others: what?!

Master: you brats! Where's team Natsu!!

Everyone: *stared at team Natsu*

Natsu: what's the problem?

Lucy's sweet RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now