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The room was silent as the stench of blood and death filled air. Another successful assassination. Grabbing a white cloth with a gloved hand, Yongguk wiped the blood off his favorite blade. Once his blade was clean of the blood, the black haired man flicked it closed then tucked it inside of his pants pocket. Glancing down at his dead target, a smirk formed on his lips. "Sweet dreams. I hope you will enjoy your trip to Hell." Yongguk grabbed his black bag and pulled his hood down over his head while leaving the house. He ran into a alleyway, hearing the sounds of sirens in the distance. "They definitely don't waste any time." Not wanting to be around when the police arrived, the black haired man took off running while remaining in the shadows.

Yongguk always felt great after every assassination. Perhaps it was his love to sink his hand blade deep within the body of his target. Hearing their pained screams was always a bonus. Some would say he was insane, but Yongguk didn't think so. He was simply having fun doing what he loved. Alright, maybe he was a little insane. But, everyone is a little crazy and they just don't realize it.

Once Yongguk was far enough, he slowed down to a steady walk. Glancing around to check if the coast was clear, the assassin pulled off his hood. As he walked down the sidewalk, he took noticed of a black car had began following him. A wide smirk appeared on his handsome face, already knowing who was following him. Lifting one of his hands, Yongguk flipped the driver the bird. "If you're going to follow me, at least offer me a ride, you asshole."

The window rolled down and a black haired man stuck his head out. "Maybe if you refrain from calling me names, I will offer you a ride!"

Yongguk chuckled, coming to a stop. "Oh, stop your whining, Himchan. You know it's out of love."

"Out of love, my ass. Hurry up and get in. I want to report back to the boss so I can go home."

"Yeah yeah." Yongguk rolled his eyes while walking over to the car. Opening the passenger door, he got inside. Once he closed the door, Himchan drove down the road. "So, how did your assassination go?"

"It went well. I had a little bit of trouble considering the target had company over that I didn't know of. I almost got caught, but managed to finished the job and sneak away." Himchan glanced over at Yongguk. "How was yours?"

"It was perfect. Everything went smoothly." Yongguk leaned back against the car seat and stared out the window with his arms folded across his chest. Even though he wasn't looking at Himchan, he knew the other assassin had shuddered a little.

"It amazes me how much you enjoy our job. I mean, I enjoy it too, but you enjoy it to a full extent." It almost scared Himchan with how much Yongguk enjoyed assassinating their given targets. It was almost as if the other man had no heart.

"Well, it's a job that pays great money. So why wouldn't I enjoy it?" Yongguk turned his gaze to look back at Himchan. "Besides, it's not like we are killing innocent people. We kill people who are cruel and don't care about anyone around them."

"Yeah, I know. It's just that in all the years I've been a assassin, never have I ever met anyone who enjoys killing as much as you do." Himchan glanced over at Yongguk for a second before looking back at the road ahead.

Yongguk didn't say anything to Himchan's comment. He simply shrugged his shoulders with a smirk and turned his gaze back out the window. There was a reason why he enjoyed getting paid so much money for assassinating people. It was a precious reason none of the other assassins knew about. Except for Himchan. The other man was his childhood friend.

The rest of the car right back to Headquarters was silent. When Yongguk and Himchan had arrived, the two stepped inside of the building, and immediately made their way to the fifth floor where their boss's office was. Upon arrival, Himchan knocked on the door. "Boss, Yongguk and I have returned."

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