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Yongguk ran his fingers through his hair in pure frustration. What the hell was he supposed to do now? With this new assignment Yunho has given him, things have been more difficult then ever. Sure, he and Daehyun could keep Junhong hidden no problem. The only problem was Yunho stopping by every now and again to ask how the assignment was going. Yongguk didn't want the elder anywhere near his house or Namjoon. He didn't trust him. Not one fucking bit. The assassin kept getting this odd little feeling something bad was going to be happen soon. He didn't know what, but his gut was telling him it wasn't going to be good.

Yongguk leaned back against the couch he was sitting on and sighed heavily. "What the hell am I going to do, Daehyun? If things keep going the way they are now, Yunho is going to find out we are hiding Junhong. And that isn't going to be good for either of us." The elder was beginning to have a huge migraine from all of this.

Daehyun folded his arms across his chest as he leaned against one of the living room walls. This certainly has become quite the problem. "We will think of something, hyung. Just don't give up yet. We can think of a way to outsmart Yunho, and keep him from finding the kid." Daehyun knew they could do this. He just needed to try reassuring Yongguk that everything was going to be alright.

The elder stood from the couch, not being able to remain still. He had been shaking his leg the entire time he had been sitting down. This was definitely not like him. Naturally, Yongguk was calm and collected. However, now was completely different. He was nervous and worried. Not just over the worry of Yunho finding out, but the worry about Junhong and Namjoon. "I just hope we can think of something soon."

"Don't worry, hyung. We will think of something." Daehyun leaned away from the wall and stepped over to the elder. He patted his shoulder in reassurance with a soft smile. He was pleased when Yongguk had returned his smile with a small one of his own. Wanting to change the subject, Daehyun glanced around the room. "Where is Namjoon? I haven't seen him yet."

"Joonie is out running some errands with one of his friends. He should be back soon." Yongguk folded his arms across his chest, his eyes shifting towards the clock that was hanging on the wall in the living room. Speaking of Namjoon, his little brother has been gone for quite some time now. He was beginning to feel a little worried. It seemed like Daehyun had sensed the elder's worry because he felt another pat on his shoulder.

"Don't worry so much, hyung. Joonie is fine. You said it yourself. He's with a friend. He isn't alone, and I am sure he can take care of himself." The younger squeezed Yongguk's shoulder once before stepping over to sit on the couch. "Come. Sit down. You need to relax."

"Not now, Daehyun. I'm going to head out for a little bit. And before you say anything, I am going to check up on Junhong. I want to make sure the kid is alright." Yongguk grabbed his jacket that was hanging from the coat rack and slipped it on.

"I'll just chill here then. I can wait for Joonie to get home for you." Suddenly, a tiny smirk made its way onto Daehyun's plump lips. "Why don't you take Junhong out for a little bit? I think the kid will like that."

"I don't think that's a good idea, Dae. I don't want to risk having Yunho see me with him. If that happens, things aren't going to be good." Yongguk would be lying if he said he didn't like the idea of taking Junhong out. He actually really liked the idea. However, he didn't want to risk the two of them being seen by either Yunho or another assassin.

Daehyun rolled his eyes before frowning slightly. "Hyung. Everything is going to be fine. Look, the kid has been locked up in that house ever since we 'kidnapped' him. He has not been outside at all. He needs to go out at least once in a while. We can't keep locked away forever. Besides, the poor thing is probably bored out of his mind. I don't think taking him out somewhere is going to kill anyone."

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