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Shit. Shit. Shit. That's all that was going through Yongguk's mind right now as he looked at the boy standing in the doorway. Why was he back? He shouldn't have been this back this soon. Did he and Himchan miscalculated something? The house was supposed to be empty for majority of the morning after the target and his family left. However, here was Junhong. Staring at him with a look of confusion and fear in his eyes. Shit, where was Himchan? Did his best friend not see when the boy came back inside the house?

"Who are you? And why are you in my father's study?" The teen asked again, but this time, his voice was a bit more steady. He needed to know why was there a unknown man sitting in his father's study. That was supposed to be locked.

Yongguk didn't answer the question. There was really no need to answer the question. The assassin slowly stood from the leather chair. That had caused the teen to flinch and take a step back.

"D-Don't move! I-I'll call the police!" A small threat. Junhong didn't know who he was dealing with. He thought he was dealing with a thief. Never would he expect the man before him was an assassin, and that he was his target.

Yongguk smirked a tiny bit, seeing that the boy seemed to be tensed and a bit afraid. Good. That was definitely something Yongguk liked to see. The man stepped away from the desk now, making his way towards the boy ever so slowly. He don't want to move too fast, not wanting to risk having the teen making a run for the front door.

With each step the man took towards him, Junhong took a step back. He was feeling scared right now. He didn't know what to do. He knew he should run, but there was something about this man that drew him in. Why did he feel this odd attention to this man? Was it because of his handsome face? Or was it because of his strong and lean body? Maybe it was even the deep look in his eyes and the smirk on his lips. He knew that it sounds crazy, but this man was gorgeous. Sexy even. There was no doubt about that.

Something caught Yongguk's eye. The way the teen was staring at him with this sort of attraction in his eyes. Well, that was certainly something he didn't expected. Although, it made the smirk on the assassin's lips become a tad bit wider. Yongguk took a couple more steps towards the teen until eventually, he was was directly in front of him. Reaching out, the assassin pressed one of his hands against the wall beside Junhong's head. "Are you afraid little one?" He asked in a teasing tone. Well, physically speaking, the teen was actually a little taller than he was.

"N-No. I'm not a-afraid." Despite with his stuttering, Junhong tried to make his voice steady and strong. He didn't want to show this unknown man he was afraid of him. Even though he was in all honestly.

"Really? Then, why are you stuttering, cutie pie?" Yongguk reached up his other hand to very lightly tap the teen's nose.

"I-I'm not stuttering! And don't touch me!" Junhong smacked the man's hand away from his face with a small glare.

"Haha. Now now. There is no need to be so feisty. Although, I kind of like it." Yongguk winked at Junhong, feeling satisfied when he saw the teen's cheeks become bright red. Teasing his target like this seemed rather fun. He was beginning to enjoy himself quite a bit.

Junhong mentally cursed himself when he felt his cheeks had heated up by the man's comment. "S-Shut up!" The teen clenched his hands into tight fists as he slowly glared at the man in front of him. Junhong parted his lips to speak again, but stopped when he heard the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. Immediately, Junhong thought it was possibly one of his parents. "Mom! Dad!"

"Sorry kiddo. Not quite." Came the deep voice of Himchan once he had stepped onto the second floor. "I think it's about time you went to sleep. Guk, now!"

Before Junhong could act, his mouth and nose were both covered by a white cloth. He struggled against the man behind him, but to no avail. Slowly, his vision began blurring as he began losing consciousness. Next thing he knew, everything went black and he collapsed.


"What the fuck were you thinking, Yongguk?! The target saw you! He knows what you look like! Do you know what this could do?!" Yunho yelled angrily as he slammed his hands onto his desk.

After Junhong had lost consciousness, Yongguk and Himchan had carried him into his bedroom and fled the house. Yongguk had wanted to head home and pretend this never happened, but Himchan had dragged him to report to the Boss. And here he was. Being chewed out by the angry man.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself!? What if that boy reports you to the officials?! That could jeopardize everything!" Once again, Yunho slammed his hands against his table as if to emphasize just how angry he was.

Yongguk sighed heavily, averting his eyes to the side while folding his arms across his chest. His boss wasn't listening to him. Or more like he doesn't wish to listen to what he had to say. So, there was nothing Yongguk could do right now other than listen to the angry ranting of his fumming boss.


"This is so fucking annoying." Yongguk slammed the door of Himchan's car shut once he was inside. He had just finished speaking, or more like, listening to his boss ranting.

"What happened? What did he say?" Himchan asked, shifting in his seat to look at Yongguk with a worried gaze. He had been told to wait outside the office while Yongguk was speaking with Yunho. So, he didn't know what their boss had said.

"He started yelling at me. He kept repeating how reckless I was. How this could jeopardize everything. He went on and on and on. I was beginning to get so annoyed and pissed off." Yongguk scuffed as he frowned deeply.

Himchan looked at Yongguk with a sad look in his eyes. He knew Yongguk was very angry right now. In a way, the black haired man wanted to go inside Headquarters and argue with their boss. Wanting to comfort his best friend, Himchan leaned over and wrapped his arms around Yongguk. Himchan felt the other man tense in his arms for a moment before relaxing and returning the hug.

Yongguk returned the hug. In a way, he welcomed the idea of being comforted by his best friend. The assassin tightened his arms around Himchan for a moment before letting go. "Thanks Himchan. You're a good friend."

"No need to thank me. I will always be here for you." Himchan reached out to brush his fingers against Yongguk's cheek. The black haired man peered at the other man's face for a moment before looking leaning closer to Yongguk's face. He was disappointed when Yongguk leaned away from him.

"Himchan, what are you doing? You have Jongup." Yongguk looked at Himchan, leaning back a little more. He hadn't expected his best friend to try kissing him. Why would he if he had an adorable boyfriend waiting for him at home.

Himchan bit his lower lip as he lowered his gaze. He knew it was wrong for him to try kissing Yongguk when he had Jongup. But, he couldn't help it. He had strong feelings for Yongguk. "Sorry Guk. I know I gave Jonguppie, but I really like you. A lot."

"Himchan, you're important to me. You're my best friend, but I just don't feel the same way." Yongguk reached out to gently touch the other's shoulder. "I'm sorry."

Himchan was hurt. He wanted Yongguk to like him in return, but now knew it wasn't possible. Lowering his gaze, he sighed heavily. "Very well. There is no need to apologize. I understand." Himchan smiled faintly to show he was fine. Even though he really wasn't. "Here, let me drive you home. I know Namjoon must be worried about you."

"Yeah. Thanks Himchan." Yongguk reached out to lightly ruffle the other's hair before turning to look out the window. Yongguk was hoping he wouldn't be fired for this. He couldn't afford to lose his job. "I hope I don't get fired for this."

"Don't worry, Guk. I don't think the Boss will fire you. How about this? After I drop you off, I'll talk to him. I'll explain everything to him." Himchan didn't want Yongguk to lose his job. He knew he needed it to support himself and take care of Namjoon.

"Thank you, Himchan. That would mean a lot to me." Yongguk was really grateful to have a friend like Himchan. Although, the assassin felt bad for not being able to return the feelings his friend had for him.

"You don't have to thank me, Guk. It's the least I could for you." Himchan glanced towards Yongguk and smiled gently. He was definitely going to make sure Yongguk was going to keep his job. If it was the last thing he do.

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