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Yongguk had woken up rather early the next morning. Reaching out a hand to pick up his phone, Yongguk checked the time only to groan once he saw just how early it actually was. "Why the hell am I waking up at seven  in the fucking morning?" He grumbled to himself. Setting his phone back down on the table, the man rolled on his back and ran his fingers through his hair. He was still so very tired, wanting nothing more than to just go back to sleep. He didn't have to go see his boss until later on today. The least he wanted to do is sleep in a little since he never get the chance to. Shutting his eyes, much to his delight, Yongguk managed to fall back asleep.


"Yongguk hyung? Yongguk hyung." Yongguk groaned once he heard Namjoon's voice calling out to him. The assassin wanted to sleep a little longer. However, it seems like that wasn't going to happen right now. Opening his eyes, Yongguk was met with the worried gaze of his younger brother. Why was he looking at him like that? Was there something wrong?

"Joonie, what's the matter? Did something happened?" Yongguk slowly sat up in bed, stretching out his long limbs.

Namjoon was sitting on the edge of the bed, fidgeting with his fingers on his lap. His posture and expression showed just how uneasy and worried he was. "Um, it's your boss. He's downstairs in the living room. He wants to speak with you."

This information immediately woke Yongguk up. Why the hell was Yunho here? He never visited any of his workers in their own home before. If he needed to speak with them, he would usually ask them to come by to his office. So, why was he even here? Yongguk didn't have a good feeling about this. "Okay. I'll be right now. Go tell him I'll be right down." Yongguk stood from the bed and was about to go the bathroom, but stopped. "Wait! Never mind. Just wait for me here."

Namjoon looked at his elder brother with slight confusion but nodded his head nonetheless. "Okay. I'll wait for you here."

Yongguk nodded once before heading straight to the bathroom. There was no way in fucking hell he was going to allow Namjoon to be alone with Yunho. He didn't trust the man. Especially with his younger brother. Yunho had told Yongguk numerous times in the past how cute he thought Namjoon was. It always something that made Yongguk's blood boil. Himchan always told him it was because he was overprotective of Namjoon. That was part of the reason why he didn't want Namjoon around the man. The other reason was the way Yunho kept asking Namjoon if he wished to work for him. That was something Yongguk did not want at all. There was no way he was going to allow Namjoon to work with him. It was too dangerous. Plus, he didn't trust Yunho around Namjoon.

Once the assassin had brushed his teeth and gotten dressed, he exit the bathroom and walked down the stairs with Namjoon beside him. He could feel Namjoon walking rather close at his side, his fingertips lightly brushing against his arm. He knew his younger brother was feeling uncomfortable right now. The younger never really did enjoy being around his boss. Something Yongguk was happy about.

When the brothers stepped into the living room, Yongguk frowned once he caught sight of Yunho sitting down on the couch. "Boss, quite a surprise to see you here. What is the occasion? You never visit anyone in their homes." Yongguk folded his arms across his chest, giving the older man a hard stare. He could feel Namjoon lightly gripping onto the back of his shirt.

Yunho looked up from his cell phone and smirked widely once he saw Yongguk. "Ah, Yongguk. Hello there. Yes, I know it is odd to see me here when I rather see my workers in my office. However, this matter is much to urgent and important to wait." Yunho flickered his gaze over to Namjoon, his smirk widening a little. "Would it be alright if you and I could speak in private, Yongguk?"

Yongguk pressed his lips into a tight line. He was now feeling a little worried over this 'urgent' matter. Being asked if he and the elder could speak in private, Yongguk looked over his shoulder at Namjoon. "Hey Joonie. Give us a few minutes." Yongguk saw a hint of worry flash in Namjoon's eyes. Reaching out a hand, Yongguk ruffled his younger brother's hair. "Everything will be fine, Joonie. There is no need to worry."

Biting his lower lip, Namjoon nodded once before flickering his gaze over to Yunho for a moment. There was something bothering him about this, but didn't know what. Stealing one more look at Yongguk, Namjoon soon turned on his heel and walked to the kitchen.

The smirk never left Yunho's face as he watched Namjoon leave the living room. Once it was only him and Yongguk left in the living room, Yunho folded his arms loosely. "Now, the matter I wished to discuss with you is about that boy. One you were supposed to assassinate for me. The one who ran away."

As soon as Yunho began speaking about Junhong, Yongguk's blood ran cold. What did his boss wanted to talk about Junhong for? He couldn't have found out he and Daehyun were hiding him right? There was just no way he could know. "Yes, what about him, sir? Have you discovered where he ran off to?"

"No, I have not. That is what I need your assistance with, my dear Yongguk." Yunho took a step closer to the younger man. Reaching out a hand, Yunho lightly poked Yongguk's chest. "I want you to look for the brat for me. That shouldn't a problem for you, no? Besides, I have a feeling you will find the kid rather quickly."

Yongguk's blood instantly ran cold. This wasn't good. If Yunho was asking him to look for Junhong, then did he knew he was hiding him? If so, then why did the elder man seem to calm? Surely, he would be enraged and force Yongguk to bring Junhong back. Something about this was wrong. Really wrong. Gaining his composure, Yongguk nodded once. "Very well, sir. If that is what you wish, then I shall look for the target."

"Good. I know you won't let me down, Yongguk." Patting the assassin's shoulder, Yunho smirked at him then exit the living room. As he made his way passed the kitchen, his eyes flickered over to Namjoon. The younger was cooking breakfast. The smirk on Yunho's face became almost sinister. The man felt Yongguk's piercing gaze behind him, knowing he had been caught staring at Namjoon. Chuckling lowly, Yunho left the house.

Yongguk did not like the way Yunho was looking at Namjoon. He didn't like one bit. The assassin kept his piercing gaze on his boss until he left the house. Yongguk soon released a heavy sigh while running his fingers through his hair. It seems like things have became more complicated than what they were supposed to. He was going to have to speak with Daehyun about this. Yongguk stepped into the kitchen and sat at the table.

Namjoon looked over his shoulder when he heard his older brother enter the kitchen. "What did your boss need to speak with you about? Did something happened with work?"

"He needed to speak to me about the previous mission I had. The target I needed to assassinate ran away. Yunho wishes for me to look for him." Yongguk explained while resting his head against the dinning table.

Namjoon hummed softly in response. "When are you going to start looking for him?" Namjoon looked down at what he was doing, not wanting to mess up the food or possibly burn himself.

"I am going to probably start looking for him tonight. Yunho wants me to search as soon as possible." Yongguk felt his chest ache a little as he spoke. He still haven't told Namjoon about his and Daehyun's plan. He doesn't want to risk his little brother becoming involved and getting hurt.

"Alright. Just make sure you are careful okay. I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"Don't worry, Joonie. I'll be fine. I promise."

"Good. You're only family I have left. I don't want to lose you, Hyung."

Yongguk smiled warmly at Namjoon. He stood from the table and stepped over to his younger brother. The assassin wrapped his arms around the younger and hugged him from behind. "Don't worry. You aren't going to lose me."

Namjoon smiled softly, leaning back against his elder brother's chest. He knew Yongguk always kept his promises, but he still couldn't help but worry about the elder. "Okay. Just as long as you keep that promise."

"I will, Namjoon. There is no way I will ever break a promise to you. You have my word." Yongguk began cradling Namjoon in his arms while resting his chin against his shoulder.

"Okay. Breakfast is almost ready. I hope it turns out good." Namjoon was always self-conscious over his cooking.

"I know it will be great. I love everything you make us." Yongguk pecked the side of Namjoon's head.

"I'm glad. That makes me really happy to hear."

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