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Junhong groaned as he slowly began waking up. His head was throbbing so much right now. The boy's eyes began fluttering open, only to be closed quickly due to the harsh sunlight that was pouring into the bedroom through the window. The boy slowly sat up in bed, one hand gently rubbing his eyes. Once his vision became used to the harsh light, the boy looked around the room and came to realize that it was not his bedroom. Fear and panic began coursing Junhong's body as he slowly stood from the couch. Where was he? This was not his bedroom.

With fear etching into every fiber of his body, Junhong looking around the room. The room was in decent condition, although it seemed like no one has stayed in here for quite some time. There was two windows, one on each side of the bed he laid on with simple black curtains. There were two nightstands right beside the two windows, a lamp on each one. Towards the right side of the bedroom was a desk and chair beside a brown wooden door. Most likely the closet. Adjacent to the closet on the side of the other side of the room was another door that led to the bathroom.

Junhong's head snapped in the direction of the bedroom door when he heard distant sounds. Feeling curious, the boy slowly got off the bed and made his way cautiously over to the door. Reaching one hand out, he hesitantly grabbed the door knob but didn't turn it just yet. His heart was pounding loudly in his chest, not knowing what to expect on the other side of the door. But, he needed to know where he was. Gaining the courage, Junhong opened the door and peeked his head out. After making sure the coast was clear, Junhong slowly made his way out of the bedroom.

The tall boy walked as quietly as he could down the hallway. He didn't want to make any sound that might alarm the person or people that were downstairs. Once he reached the top of the stairs, Junhong did a quick look around before beginning to slowly walk down the stairs. The boy winced a little when one of the stairs squeaked underneath his footsteps. He mentally cursed himself in his head, afraid he was heard by the people in the kitchen.

Once he had reached the bottom of the steps, Junhong looked around before slowly making his way over to the kitchen. Pressing his back against the wall, he peeked into the kitchen and saw two people. One of them looked awfully familiar. Where has he seen that man before? Why did he looked so familiar? The man was speaking with another man. They seemed to be in a rather serious conversation.

"Now that we have the kid here, we need to tell Yunho he ran away." The tan man said, running his fingers through his hair.

Junhong perked an eyebrow. Who is Yunho? Where has he heard that name before? He titled his head to the side a little, trying to remain where he had heard of that name before. Perhaps he knew his father. Looking up, Junhong continued listening what the two men were talking about.

"I am really hoping he won't find out about this, Daehyun. I don't want him finding out about this. I don't want anything to happen to that kid." The taller man said before taking a sip of what seems to be wine.

Junhong blinked several times. Wait, what? Why was this guy protecting him? The boy looked at the man's face, and was suddenly hit with a wave of nostalgia. He knew who that man was! It was the man was the one was in his father's study. The really gorgeous man that had Junhong in such a trance. The tall boy's cheeks suddenly became pink at the thought, and lowered his gaze rather shyly. He never expected to see this man again. Especially after what he happened when they first met. Junhong pressed his back against the wall, his arms folding across his chest and continued to listen to the conversation.

"Don't worry, Yongguk Hyung. He won't find out. If he does, we will think of something to keep Junhong safe from him." Daehyun wanted to reassure Yongguk that everything was going to be alright. He didn't want him to worry.

Yongguk looked at Daehyun, knowing how could trust the words of his best friend. He just didn't want anything to happen to Junhong. He wanted to keep the boy safe. The assassin didn't know what was coming over him. Why was he caring about a boy whom he didn't even know? Was it truly because the kid was innocent? Or was it something else? Whatever it was, Yongguk would do anything in his power to keep Junhong safe. Taking another sip of his wine, Yongguk glanced towards the entrance of the kitchen. He knew Junhong was there listening to their conversation. "You know it isn't polite to eavesdrop on someone's conversation. You can come out."

Junhong's cheeks burned bright red when he heard Yongguk's words. He knew he was here the entire time? But how? He was being as quiet as he could. Sighing in defeat, Junhong hug his head lower and stepped away from the wall. He shyly entered the kitchen with his head down. "S-Sorry."

Daehyun looked at Junhong with a sweet smile. "It's alright. You don't have to apologize. You can't be locked away in thag bedroom all day." He said before taking a sip of his wine.

Junhong peeked up at Daehyun for a second before returning his gaze to the floor. He didn't know what to say. He had never been in this type of situation before. Sure, these two men had kidnapped him, but supposedly for a good cause. They wanted to protect him from a man named Yunho. Junhong still doesn't know where has he heard that name before. Why did it sound so familiar? "U-um...May I ask something?"

Yongguk glanced over to Junhong for a moment before looking back down at the table. "Go ahead. We already have an idea what the question is." The assassin knew the younger was to ask about the situation.

"Um, I heard you two saying you want to keep me safe from a man named Yunho. Why? What does he want with me?" Junhong noticed the way Daehyun looked a little uneasy and the way Yongguk's jaw seemed to clench. Was it something bad?

Yongguk leaned back in his seat, folding his arms across his chest. A deep frown was displayed on his face. He knew it was right to tell Junhong about the situation. However, he didn't want to scare the boy. Without looking at him, he parted his lips to speak. "We can't tell you right now. We don't want to frighten nor worry you. We will tell you when the time comes. Just know we are doing this to protect you."

Junhong lightly chewed on his lower lip at Yongguk's words. It disappointed him a little they wouldn't tell him. However, in a way, he was glad they didn't wish to tell him. He didn't know if he could handle it right now. "Alright. So...I'm going to be staying here?"

"Yes, you will. I'm going to be honest with you, we don't know how long you are going to be here. But, do know that you are safe here." Daehyun said with a soft smile.

"O-Okay." Junhong was glad Daehyun and Yongguk were both kind. At least from what he could see. It seemed like he was going to be here for a little while. He might as well properly introduce himself. "I'm Choi Junhong. It is nice to meet you two."

"Hello Junhong. I'm Jung Daehyun. This intimidating guy is named Bang Yongguk." Daehyun looked towards Yongguk with a amused smile.

Yongguk glanced towards Daehyun from the corner of his eye with a tiny frown. It wasn't his fault he was intimidating. It was just the way he was. The assassin didn't say anything, and merely took another sip of his wine.

Junhong looked at Yongguk, lightly chewing on his lower lip. The intimidating man was definitely attractive. Despite being mean looking. And he was definitely going to see more of him while staying here.


Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for taking so long to update this story! I've been having a little bit of trouble thinking of what to write. Hence why I have been working on my other stories.
Although hopefully I will be able to update this story more often.
I hope you all enjoy this chapter after such a long time.

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