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Yongguk slipped on a pair of black gloves. It was the next morning, although the sun had yet to rise. The assassin was getting ready to head out to begin the assignment he was oh so dreading. He didn't want to do this. He almost wished he could just return to bed and go back to sleep. However, Yongguk knew he needed to do this. If not, he was going to receive quite the earful from Yunho, and he definitely didn't want that. Once the elder was fully dressed and prepared, he stepped out of his bedroom and quietly made his way down the stairs. He didn't want to wake Namjoon, not wanting the younger to know he was leaving so early.

Reaching the front door, Yongguk quietly opened the door and stepped outside to see Himchan waiting for him in his black car. It seemed like his best friend really wasn't kidding about tagging along with him. Oh well. Whenever Kim Himchan made up his mind, there was no changing it. After making sure he locked the door, Yongguk slowly made his way over to the sleek black car and got inside the passenger seat. "Good morning, Himchan." He greeted once he had closed the door.

"Morning Guk. You remember the address?" Himchan oddly when straight to the point with the assignment. That caused Yongguk's eyebrow to perk.

"Yeah, I remember. It's on the other side of town. Sakura Avenue." Yongguk folded his arms across his chest as Himchan started the engine and drove away from his house. There was something odd about his best friend, but couldn't tell exactly what it was. Normally, Yongguk could see right through Himchan. However, right now, the other had a barrier up masking his true intentions on with him to Junhong's home. And that was making Yongguk a little uneasy to be completely honest. Perhaps he will ask Daehyun about it.

After telling Himchan the way, Yongguk leaned back in the seat and stared out the window. The drive was deadly quiet and a little uncomfortable. Not wanting to think too much into it, Yongguk began thinking of Namjoon. The elder aleyas seemed to relax whenever he thought of his younger brother. Many people would think Yongguk had a brother complex, when in reality, he just really loved the younger. With his brother in mind, the drive became a little better for Yongguk.


Yongguk pulled his black hood over his head once he and Himchan had arrived at the location of Junhong's home. "This is the place. Seems like the boy's parents are still there." The assassin was able to see the said parents in the kitchen. Although, he couldn't see his target yet.

"Is that the man who used to work for the Boss?" Himchan asked, indicating the man who was sitting at the table.

"Yeah, that's him. I saw his picture in the documents the Boss gave me. He is the one he wishes revenge on." Yongguk clenched his hands into fists, a deep frown appearing on his lips. "Why couldn't he just have made him the target? Why make his innocent son the target?"

"Who knows. You know the Boss always does things for a reason. Maybe he has his own reason for targeting the kid instead of the father. He probably just doesn't want to tell us." Himchan kept his eyes on the man and woman until his caught sight of another figure stepping into the kitchen. "And there's your target, Guk. I have to say, he's a tall kid."

Yongguk looked at Junhong as the boy interacted with his parents. The boy was very attractive, the assassin had to admit. Tall with a slender body and pale skin. The teen's hair was dyed pink, seeming to contrast well with his fair skin. Without realizing it, Yongguk found himself gazing at the teen longer than he should have. He didn't even seem to hear Himchan calling him until he was shaken slightly. "What?"

Himchan perked an eyebrow when Yongguk had looked at him with slight confusion. Did his best friend honestly become lost in staring at the target? Something about that made the black haired man's blood run cold. He didn't like it one bit. "I was saying they all should be leaving the house soon. When they do, we will sneak into the house."

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