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For the next few days, Junhong had listened to Daehyun and Yongguk. He had managed to stay inside the house while the two men handled things. Although he was still not told the reason why this Yunho person was after him, the boy was cooperative. Perhaps it was his desire to make sure everyone was pleased and happy. The day after he was kidnapped, Yongguk had returned to his house to fetch him some things he needed. He had brought him some clothing and undergarments, his cell phone along with his headphones and charger, and some other little necessities he needed.

Right now, the boy was currently sitting on couch watching television. He had a glass of Sprite on the coffee table with a box of pizza beside it. Daehyun had ordered him some food since he nor Yongguk felt like cooking. Junhong couldn't cook since he didn't know how to. So, he was perfectly happy when the elder had given him the box of pizza.

Junhong took a bite of a slice of pizza, his eyes never leaving the action movie that was currently playing on TV. He was currently alone in the house, Yongguk and Daehyun both having stepped out for a moment. He hoped they would return soon. Especially Yongguk. Junhong's cheeks suddenly burned a bright red. He had been thinking about the elder a lot lately whenever he was alone. He really liked Yongguk. He wasn't as bad as Junhong originally thought. In fact, he was a lot nicer than he thought. Also very protective. Something Junhong liked a lot.

However, he wondered if Yongguk was currently seeing someone. On a few occasions, he had overheard the man talking to Daehyun about someone named Namjoon. Junhong could have sworn he has heard that name before, but cannot remember where. Maybe he will remember later. Or he could ask Yongguk about it directly. Would the elder tell him? Or would he get angry and say it wasn't any of his business. The boy guessed the latter would be the right choice. After all, he and Yongguk barely knew one another. So, there was no reason for the assassin to tell him who this Namjoon person was.

Junhong was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the front door open then closed. He figured either Yongguk or Daehyun had returned. The tall boy looked over and saw it was Yongguk. Immediately, his cheeks heated up and his heart rate increased. God, this man was so sexy. If under different circumstances, Junhong would had definitely asked the elder out. "W-Welcome back, Yongguk Hyung."

Yongguk looked up as he removed his jacket. "Hey." Was all he said. After hanging up his jacket on the coat rack, the man stepped into the kitchen. Probably getting something to eat. Out of the corner of his eye, the assassin saw Junhong staring at him as he stepped into the kitchen. That caused a tiny smirk to appear on his lips. Stepping over to the refrigerator, Yongguk opened it and took out a bottle of water. He wasn't really hungry. Even if he was, he didn't want to eat. Namjoon had told him he was going to cook them a nice dinner. That kid was seriously a angel. The assassin stepped into the living room and took a seat beside Junhong, keep a distance between them. He didn't want to be too close to the boy. He wasn't sure if Junhong would be okay with being that close anyway.

Junhong felt his heart flutter within his chest when Yongguk took a seat beside him on the couch. In a way, he was hoping the elder would move closer to him. However, he knew that wouldn't be appropriate. Especially since they barely knew one another. The silence between them wasn't uncomfortable per say, Junhong just wished he could say something to the elder. Shifting his gaze to look at Yongguk, he asked the first thing that came to mind. "U-um...how is your day going?"

Yongguk glanced at Junhong, perking an eyebrow at his question. That was certainly unexpected. Although, he didn't want to be rude by not answering the question. "My day is going alright so far. Thanks. What about yours?" Yongguk figured their shouldn't be any point in asking this question considering the boy has been cooped up in this house all day.

"It is going fine. I just sat in the living room watching TV most of the morning. Daehyun hyung had bought me a pizza before leaving earlier." The tall boy began fidgeting with his fingers as he spoke. Why was he feeling so shy all of the sudden? He has been around Yongguk long enough not to be shy. But, it still happened. The boy mentally cursed himself in his head, feeling really embarrassed right now.

Yongguk nodded once at Junhong's answer. He had taken noticed how nervous the boy was, and found it rather cute there was no reason for him to be nervous. Yongguk wasn't going to do anything to him. Even though, he would be lying if he said he didn't want to. The kid was just so damn cute that the assassin couldn't help but imagine doing some rather...inappropriate things to the kid. As soon as those thoughts would enter his mind, the assassin would shake his head to rid himself of those thoughts. He couldn't think about doing any of those things to Junhong. It wouldn't he right at all.

Junhong began squirming a little in his seat as he kept glancing over at Yongguk. He could feel his cheeks becoming hot with a blush. Why was he behaving this way? He shouldn't be feeling this way towards the assassin. After all, Yongguk was a dangerous man. When Daehyun was with him earlier, he had told Junhong what Yongguk did for a living. He even told him he was supposed to assassinate him. That was the reason why the man was in his house that night. He was there to kill him. Junhong was so very happy Yongguk didn't do it.

Yongguk rest his cheek against his knuckles while looking at the TV. The silence between him and Junhong wasn't bothering him in the slightest. It was actually a pretty comfortable silence. Well, for him at least. As he watched the movie that was currently playing, Yongguk's phone suddenly rang. He noticed it had startled Junhong, and Yongguk couldn't help but chuckle. "Sorry about that." Pulling out his phone, he saw that it was Namjoon calling him. "Be right back. I got to answer this." Standing from the couch, Yongguk stepped into the kitchen where he answered the phone. "Hey Joonie."

Junhong nodded a little and watched Yongguk step into the kitchen. He heard the man answer the call and perked an eyebrow at the name. Joonie? The boy began thinking it was another guy when he figured it out. Joonie is probably a nickname for Namjoon. Leaning back against the couch, Junhong tried to focus on the movie, not wanting to accidentally listen in to Yongguk's conversation. However, the boy managed to hear some bits of the conversation. He heard the simple 'How is everything going?' and 'What are you up to?' What caught the boy by surprise was when he heard Yongguk mentioned something about dinner. Yongguk was going to have dinner with Namjoon? So, was that actually the man's lover?

Junhong had asked Daehyun about Namjoon when he was there earlier, but the elder didn't say anything. He said it wasn't his place to tell Junhong about Yongguk's personal life without the elder's consent. Just hearing that made the tall boy all the more curious on knowing who this Namjoon person was. He really wanted to know. Junhong remained in the living room, eating his pizza and drinking his Sprite. Drinking most of his Sprite, Junhong wanting to get some more. So, he stood up from the couch and walked towards the kitchen. He hadn't heard Yongguk's voice for the past several minutes. The tall boy figured he was probably already done on the phone. Just as Junhong stepped into the kitchen, he collided with Yongguk.

Yongguk was caught off guard when he felt Junhong suddenly run into him. Before the assassin could keep them sturdy, the two of them fell backwards onto the ground. Yongguk groaned lightly when his back smacked against the ground. He had also groaned from Junhong's tall figure falling on top of him. "You okay, kid? Did you hurt yourself?"

Junhong groaned softly due to the slight throbbing pain he was experiencing in his head right now. Hearing Yongguk's question, the boy slowly opened his eyes. "Yeah, I'm fi-" Upon realizing the situation the two of them were in, and what's more, the position they were in as well. Junhong's heart began pounding so loudly within his chest as he gazed down at the older man.

This was definitely a situation Yongguk was not used to. Having a kid on top of him like this was a little awkward. However, that didn't entirely meant he disliked it. With the way Junhong was staring at him, Yongguk felt a little uncomfortable. The kid was practically gazing in to his eyes like some love struck teenager. Which was probably not too far from the truth. What the assassin didn't expect was seeing Junhong slowly leaning down closer to his face. What the hell was the kid doing? Was he even thinking what he was doing right now? The only thing going through Yongguk's mind right now were two words. Holy. Shit.

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