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"Aw, what's the matter, Namjoon? We're simply having fun." Yunho cooed wickedly as he hovered over Namjoon. The man ran his fingers down the younger's heavily bruised neck. His masterpiece. "Beautiful. Simply beautiful." Yunho flickered his gaze up once he had heard a tiny whimper coming from Namjoon. He leaned down to his face slowly until his face was merely inches away from Namjoon's tear stained one.

"Please...let me go. I want to go...back to my brother. I want my big brother..." Namjoon whimpered and whined, feeling his red and puffy eyes burning with more tears. He wanted Yongguk to come save him. He didn't want to be here. Namjoon's face was suddenly turned harshly to the side when Yunho's hand collided with his cheek with a hard smack. That caused a pained yelp to escape the male's bruised lips.

Yunho was not pleased with Namjoon's words. Ignoring the slight stinging in his hand, the man gripped onto Namjoon's face roughly. "Your dear older brother isn't going to find you. No matter how hard he tries, he won't take you away from me. You are mine." The man growled before biting down on Namjoon's already swollen bottom lip hard enough to break the tender skin. That earned a cry from the younger male. Letting go of the bleeding flesh, Yunho ran his tongue along the broken skin, a moan being heard within his throat. The sudden knock on the door caused Yunho to groan in annoyance and pull away from the broken boy. "What is it?" His voice was laced with annoyance and irritation.

The door slowly opened to reveal a tall man stepped into the room and bowed his head to Yunho. "Sir, your presence is needed." The man didn't react to the loud groan of pure irritation. He merely bowed his head in apology for disturbing his boss.

"This better be good." Yunho moved away from Namjoon and stood up from the tattered mattress he had the boy tied to. After adjusting his pants, Yunho fixed up his hair to seem more presentable before flickering his gaze over to Namjoon. "I will be right back my beloved. Once I've return, we can resume our little game." Yunho smirked sinisterly at Namjoon before turning to exit the room with the man. The door closed loudly with the sound of it being bolted shut shortly after.

Once he was alone, Namjoon broken down. Fresh tears ran down his cheeks as he curled slightly on his side. "Yonggie-hyung...I'm scared...please...please save me..." He muttered hopelessly, moving his hands together in a silent prayer.


"Gah!" Came the yell of a man as he was thrown across a room. His body smashed against the wooden table that had been present in the room. The man groaned in pain, slowly moving to stand up. However, his face met the shattered pieces of wood from the now broken table when a foot was pressed against the back of his head. "Ow!"

"Shut the fuck up. I've warned you didn't I? Now, you better tell me where that son of bitch is keeping my little brother!" Yongguk growled out, pressing his boot harder against the back of the man's head. The assassin was currently in the office looking for any leads on Namjoon's whereabouts. He knew one these fuckers had the information he wanted. And he was not going to leave until he knew exactly where his brother was. "Answer me, you worthless piece of shit!"

"Hyung! Please calm down! You're going to kill the man before he even get the chance to tell you!" Junhong reached out to grab hold of Yongguk's arm to try calming down the elder.

"He is right, Guk. Now, calm down. Remove your foot from his head. Maybe I can try talking to him." It was Himchan who spoke next. He was pleased when Yongguk seemed to listen to him with a heavy huff. Once his best friend had stepped away from the beaten man, the raven knelt down in front of him. He reached out to grab the man's collar, and pulled him up. "Tell me where Yunho is keeping Namjoon."

"Go fuck yourself." The man spat at Himchan. He was soon met with a punch in the face by Yongguk, "Gah!" The man felt searing pain coursing through him from his most likely broken nose.

"Guk!" Himchan shot Yongguk a warning gaze before looking back at the man as he began bleeding heavily through his nose. "I'm going to ask you again. Where is Namjoon? Unless you wish to be beaten to death by my friend there, you will answer the question wisely." Unlike Yongguk, Himchan had much more patience. He would keep his cool even if he was freaking out on the inside. The man was silent for several minutes. Probably debating if he should speak or not. Himchan already gave him his choices. Speak or never speak again. Simple. The raven was soon pleased when the man had finally answered after a couple more minutes.

"Yunho has him hidden away in an abandon building on the outskirts of town. No one knows of this place besides the boss and some of us. If you want the kid, you will have to go there." The man spoke truthfully. He thought he might as well tell them where Namjoon was. He wasn't too keen on dying tonight.

"Thank you. You see? Was that so hard?" Himchan stood up and turned to face Yongguk and Junhong. "We got what we came here for. Now time to head out and get Namjoon back." Himchan couldn't shake this uneasy feeling he felt getting. He has been feeling like this ever since Yongguk told him that Yunho had kidnapped Namjoon.

"Let's go then! We've wasted enough time as it is! As far as we know, that son of bitch could be hurting Joonie or worse!" Yongguk wanted to save Namjoon already. He needed to go to his little brother before he loses him too. He couldn't bring himself to lose another important person.

Junhong could see just how anxious Yongguk was right now. He knew he wanted to save his little brother, but he wanted the elder to calm down. Reaching out his hands, he gently cupped the elder's cheeks and turned his face to look at him. "Hyung, please calm down. We will get your brother back. I promise, but you need to calm down and think this over with a clear head." The teen leaned in to place a tender peck against Yongguk's lips to help calm him down.

Yongguk felt the tension in his body slowly evaporate thanks to Junhong. After returning the small peck, the man gave the younger a small smile. "Thank you, Junhong. I'm alright now."

Himchan rolled his eyes while shaking his head slightly. "Oh, come on you two lovebirds. We need to get going now." The raven stepped out of the room and sped walked down the hallway with Yongguk and Junhong following close behind. Once he got outside, Himchan made a beeline straight for his car and got into the driver's seat. The man started the engine just the passenger's seat and back door opened. He turned to look at Yongguk, a serious expression on his handsome face. "Let's get Namjoon back."

Yongguk nodded his head, his own serious expression on his face. "After we get Joonie back, we are going to make that motherfucker pay for what he did to Daehyun and for taking Joonie."

Himchan nodded his head before turning to look ahead. Immediately, he sped down the road towards the outskirts of town where the abandon house was. Don't worry, Namjoon. We're coming to rescue. Hold on just a little longer.

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