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Yongguk ran his fingers through his hair as he laid on his bed. He stared up at the ceiling, lost in his thoughts. After what happened the other day, Yongguk hadn't really left his house. He also hadn't heard anything from his Boss or Himchan. He knew Yunho was angry with him, and most likely didn't want to speak with him. Yongguk just hoped Himchan had somehow managed to convince their boss not to fire him for being seen by the target. Suddenly, Junhong came to mind. The kid was very cute, Yongguk had to admit. When Yongguk first saw him yesterday, he felt this odd sort of attraction towards him. And that was bad. Junhong was his target. Yongguk couldn't just miraculously develope any sort of attraction towards him.

Although, at the same time, Yongguk wanted to ignore the fact Junhong was his target. He didn't want to kill the kid in the first place. Maybe feeling some attractive towards Junhong wouldn't be so bad. A small scuff escaped the assassin's mouth and covered his eyes with one of his arms. "There is no way that would end well. Might as well get that idea out of your head now, Yongguk." The assassin didn't want to think about this right now. He didn't want to risk over thinking about everything and risk giving himself a headache.

The sound of a knock on his door caught his attention. Yongguk lifted his arm from his eyes to glance at the door. "Come in." When the door opened, Namjoon stepped into the room. "Hey Joonie." Yongguk lowered his arm to cover his eyes once again.

Namjoon stepped over to the bed and sat down on the edge, looking at his older brother. "How are you feeling, Hyung?" Namjoon heard what had happened when his older brother was inspecting his target's home. He became worried when Himchan informed him that their boss was angry with Yongguk. The younger didn't want Yongguk to lose his job. He knew he needed it.

"I'm feeling okay. Just have a little headache right now. You don't have to worry, Joonie." Yongguk knew his younger tend to worry about him a lot. It was comforting to know, but Yongguk felt a little bad for making Namjoon always worry about him.

"You know I can't help but worry about you, Hyung. You're my big brother. Of course I'm going to worry about you." Wanting to be close to his older brother, Namjoon climbed over Yongguk to get on the bed.

Yongguk lifted his arm a little just in time to see his younger brother climbing over him to get on the bed. A mischievous smirk appeared on Yongguk's face. Moving quickly, Yongguk wrapped his arms around Namjoon's waist. He must had taken the younger by surprise since a cute squeak escsped from Namjoon's lips.

Namjoon had not expected his older brother to grab him like this. Which was why a rather high yet cute squeak left his lips. After a moment, Namjoon giggled cutely and wrapped his arms around Yongguk. The next thing he knew, he began laughing. It took him a little bit to realize Yongguk had began to tickle him. "Y-Yah! Hyung!"

Yongguk's smirk slowly turned to a bright smile as he tickled his younger brother. This always was something that quickly cheered him up. He loved hearing Namjoon's laughs and cute giggles. There was something about the sounds that calmed Yongguk whenever he was frustrated or stressed out.

Namjoon's giggled slowly turned into cute laughs. He was squirming around, trying to get away from his older brother. However, that was a like hard since Yongguk kept moving closer to him. The younger kept squirming around until he reached the other end of the bed. A loud squeak left his lips as he almost fell off the bed. Namjoon squeezed his eyes shut and waited to hit the floor, but he didn't. Instead, he was pulled flushed against Yongguk's chest.

Yongguk had noticed Namjoon kept moving away from him. And in doing so, he knew if his younger brother moved back even more, he was probably going to fall off the bed. Right before the younger could roll off the bed, Yongguk stopped tickling him and wrapped his arms around his small waist. The assassin shifted a little to lay on his back while pulling Namjoon on top of him. "Sorry about that, Joonie. I just couldn't help it."

Namjoon pouted cutely, laying his head against his older brother's chest. It took him a little bit to regain his breath. "It's fine, Hyung. I'm just glad you grabbed me before I fell off the bed. That would had been bad."

"Don't worry. I wasn't going to let you fall off the bed." Yongguk laughed a little then kissed the top of his younger brother's head. "Thanks for cheering me up, Joonie."

"No problem, Hyung. Even though all I did was let you tickle him." Namjoon giggled a little and nuzzled against the elder's chest.

"Well, your giggles always make me feel better. As corny as that sounds." Yongguk lift a hand to gently run his fingers through Namjoon's soft hair.

"Well, I'm glad I was able to make you feel better." Namjoon closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh in content. Feeling his older brother's fingers through his hair felt so nice. Nuzzling against Yongguk's chest a little more, Namjoon opened his eyes slowly. "Has Himchan hyung got in contact with you today?"

"Not yet. He told me yesterday he had an assignment to do today, so he was going to call me afterwards." Yongguk laid his head against his pillow, still running his fingers through Namjoon's hair.

"Oh, okay. I hope your Boss isn't mad at you for what happened." Namjoon didn't want his elder brother to get into any sort of trouble with his boss. From what he had heard, he wasn't such a nice man.

"Don't worry. Everything is going to be fine. I'm not going to be in any trouble." Yongguk lifted his head and gently kissed the top of Namjoon's head.

"Okay. Just as long as you aren't in trouble." Namjoon closed his eyes once again and listened to the sound of Yongguk's gentle heart beat.

Yongguk smiled gently at Namjoon, feeling so happy to have such a adorable and caring brother. Giving the younger's head one more kiss, Yongguk laid his head back against the pillow and closed his eyes. The room became silent, but it was a comfortable silence. Without realizing it, Yongguk and Namjoon had both fallen into a peaceful sleep.

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