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Yongguk leaned against one of the kitchen walls with his arms folded loosely across his chest. He was currently gazing out the window waiting for Himchan to be ready to discuss the whole plan in detail. The assassin was still not very fond of the plan, and that was noticeable due to the way his lips were pressed into a tight line. There really wasn't any other way beside using Namjoon as bait? There just had to be. Just the thought of using his little brother as bait baffled and angered him. Yongguk wanted to think of another plan, but knew they didn't have enough time to do so. Which was why he had reluctantly agreed to this. Despite how much he really didn't want to. The only thing he wanted right now was to have Yunho dead. Despite having been the man who gave him the opportunity to become a skilled assassin, Yongguk saw himself ending his life and standing over his dead corpse. All of the respect he had for the man was now long gone after the heinous act he had done to his younger brother.

The sound of footsteps caught Yongguk's attention, and the assassin tore his gaze away from the window and his thoughts to see Himchan entering the kitchen. It would seem like he was ready to further discuss their plan. Leaning away from the wall, Yongguk took a step toward Himchan. "You know I really don't like this plan, right?" Yongguk was aware he had made it know just how much he disliked this plan to Himchan earlier. However, he still felt like he should emphasized just how much he disliked it. In turn, that earned him a deep frown from his best friend.

"So you've told me. More than enough times in the living room. I understand this is a plan you do not like, but this is the only plan we've got. Unless you wish to waste more time thinking of a more suitable plan, then be my guest." Himchan really disliked how Yongguk kept bringing up how much he disliked his plan. He was well aware of it, but this was the only thing he could think of on a short time span. He knew their former boss had a strong infatuation with Namjoon. That had been the main fact that webbed this plan together. Himchan understood using Namjoon as bait was wrong, but he was the key of luring Yunho here to meet his demise. Himchan only wished Yongguk could see that. He would have to bring it to light in order for the other man to understand.

Yongguk was only a little surprised with Himchan's snappy response. He knew he might had pushed his friend's buttons far too much which resulted in this snappy attitude. It would be wise to apologize. Raising his hands in defense, the black haired man nodded his head a tiny bit. "My apologies. I will hear you out on this plan of yours. As much as I don't like it, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Now, please. Explain." Yongguk pulled out two chairs, one of each of them to take a seat and discuss this plan.

The frown did not leave Himchan's handsome face even as he took a seat in the chair Yongguk had pulled out for him. Folding his arms across his chest, the raven took a seat and crossed one leg over the other one. Leaning back a little, the raven peered at Yongguk with a serious expression on his face. "The plan will start with Namjoon waiting in the living room for Yunho. We already know the first place he will search for him will be here. In fact, he could be making his way here as we speak." Saying those words, Himchan noticed Yongguk's jaw clenched along with his hands squeezing into fists. He knew his best friend was becoming angry once again. He understood the reasoning behind it, however, they needed to have a clear head right now. One wrong more could blow this plan right out of the water. Leaning forward, Himchan reached out a hand to lightly rest it against Yongguk's knee. "Relax. Please, you cannot loss your temper now. You need to have a clear head."

Just thinking about the fact Yunho could be on his way over here to take Namjoon made Yongguk very angry. He just wanted the man to get here so he could paint these walls crimson with his blood. Closing his eyes, the assassin took a deep breath before exhaling out deeply. He repeated that a couple more times until he could feel himself relaxing enough to continue discussing the plan. Slowly, Yongguk opened his eyes and peered at Himchan. "I'm calm now. My apologies. Do continue, Himchan."

Seeing that Yongguk had indeed calmed down, Himchan nodded his head a little and leaned back in his chair once more. "While Namjoon is waiting for Yunho to arrive, you and I will hide until it's time for us to attack."

"What about Daehyun and Junhong? I don't want to involve Junhong in this. Not to mention Daehyun is currently injured. And what about Baekhyun?" Yongguk was worried about the boy he had grown so fond of and his friends.

Himchan raised his hand a little while lightly shaking his head. "No need to worry. They will be safe. Baekhyun is going to get into the car with both Junhong and Daehyun in the back. I told him to drive far enough that it seemed like he had completely left. However, he will be on stand by. I'm giving him the ten minute mark. If one of us don't come out of the house to signal him, then he will come to our aid while leaving Daehyun and Junhong safe in the car."

As he listened closely to Himchan's words, Yongguk began wondering how well would this plan work. Yes, he definitely knew Yunho would take the bait and come here to get Namjoon back. However, he also knew very well Yunho wouldn't charge in here without a plan of his own. "Himchan. What if Yunho has something planned? What if he has a way to take Namjoon back successfully?"

Himchan tilted his head to the side a tiny bit upon hearing Yongguk's words. Yes, he was aware of the possibility of Yunho having a plan of his own. However, he also knew that their plan will be successful. He just knew it. "You won't have to worry about that. We have a secret weapon up our sleeve."

This caught Yongguk's interest. What did Himchan mean by having a secret weapon? Leaning forward, the assassin rest both elbows atop of his knees as he peered at Himchan. "What secret weapon?"

The corners of Himchan's lips twitched upward into a tiny smirk. "You. You are our secret weapon, Yongguk."

Yongguk blinked several times upon hearing Himchan's words. He just became very confused. "What do you mean? How am I our secret weapon? Elaborate, Himchan."

"If Yunho indeed had a plan to retrieve Namjoon, we have you. I know you, Guk. You are strong and damn good at your job. I know you will be up within seconds once you catch sight of Yunho reaching the front door with Namjoon. Your ambition and determination to keep your brother safe is our secret weapon." Himchan slowly stood from his chair and stepped toward Yongguk. "Your mind will go blank. All you will be focused on is saving your brother. You will have your knife ready and attack Yunho."

Yongguk could feel his heart pounding, and not in a pleasant way. Himchan would be the only one to know how Yongguk behaved whenever he blacked out. He behaved that way whenever his mind became blank. While in that state, he was driven on pure blood lust. Yongguk knew very well if he indeed fell into his barbaric mind set, he would not show Yunho any mercy. He would not stop until the man was no longer moving. To be honest, it scared Yongguk a little bit. Lifting his gaze, his eyes met Himchan. "Himchan. If I fall into that state. If my mind becomes blank, stop me once the deed is done. Don't allow me to go as far as to mutilate him. Please. That is all I ask of you."

Upon hearing Yongguk's request, Himchan nodded his head a little. "Of course. You have my word, Guk." Having Daehyun take keep Junhong in the car was Himchan's way of protecting the young boy from witnessing such a sight. He had noticed the younger had hidden feelings for Yongguk. And he noticed the same hidden feelings within his best friend. If something were to happen between the two after this night, then Himchan wished to protect it from ruin. He would shield Junhong from seeing a side of Yongguk he didn't need to see.

Yongguk was strongly relieved when Himchan had agreed to intervene if things became out of hand. Slowly, the assassin stood from his chair and peered at Himchan. "I'm going to check up on Namjoon. We will set out with this plan shortly."

"Understood. I'll inform Baekhyun to get Junhong and Daehyun ready in the car. Once they are all set, we will bring Namjoon down to the living room. Then, we will move to our hiding spots. This ends tonight."

"Agreed. Tonight will mark the end of Jung Yunho's life." Yongguk meant those words. He would take away Yunho's life, snuffing out that glimmer of light. Giving Himchan one more glance, Yongguk stepped out of the kitchen. If Namjoon had awoken then he would have to fill the younger in on their plan. He knew he wasn't going to like it, but Yongguk would reassure him that everything would be alright. He would make sure his younger brother would be safe and freed from the clutches of that disgusting human being.

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