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Yongguk parked the car once he and Junhong had arrived into town. He made sure to park his car in a place that wasn't surrounded by too many people. He didn't want to risk either this boss or one of his lackeys finding his car. Stepping out of the car, Yongguk adjusted his jacket a little before closing the driver's door. Then, he stepped around to the passenger side of the car and opened it for Junhong.

Junhong stepped out of the car, a sweet smile on his face. "Thank you, Yongguk-hyung." The boy giggled softly when the elder turned his head to the side a little, his cheeks becoming a slight pinkish color. Looking around the area for a second, Junhong reached out a hand to lightly grab onto the sleeve of Yongguk's jacket. "So, where are we going first, Hyung?" The boy tilted his head to the side rather cutely.

"We are going shopping. I'm going to get you some new clothes. I also need to get myself some things." Utter lie, but Yongguk needed to think of some sort of reason for dragging the boy out of the house. He couldn't just tell him that Daehyun wanted him to take him out on some sort of date. The simple thought of going on a 'date' with Junhong caused Yongguk's heart to skip a beat. It did it again once the assassin had saw the bright smile that appeared on Junhong's adorable face. God damn it. Why did the kid been to be so damn cute?

"Really? That's so sweet of you, Hyung!" Junhong was beyond happy. He couldn't believe the elder was going to buy him some new clothes. The teen definitely needed the considering all of his clothes were back in his parents' home. And he definitely couldn't return home just yet. At least, that's what Yongguk and Daehyun kept telling him. Giving Yongguk's arm a tug, Junhong pointed towards the mall. "Let's go!" Soon, he began dragging the elder along.

"H-Hey! Take it easy! The mall isn't going anywhere." Yongguk rubbed the back of his neck as he allowed himself to be dragged by the slightly taller boy. Just seeing how happy Junhong became with the offer of buying him new clothes was adorable. That, Yongguk will definitely admit to. When they had arrived at the mall, Yongguk glanced around before looking at Junhong. "Alright. Pick a store you want to shop in."

Being told to pick a store, Junhong didn't need to be told twice. "Okie dokie!" The teen once again dragged the elder along, feeling his heart flutter when he caught the sound of Yongguk's deep chuckle. God, everything about this man was attractive. Especially his deep voice. Junhong couldn't get enough of it. Needing to pull his thoughts together, Junhong focused his attention on the store as he and Yongguk approached the entrance. "Let's shop here first!"

Yongguk looked at the store and chuckled lightly. This definitely seemed just the store for Junhong. Filled with sporty clothes. It was definitely the boy's taste. Especially whenever Yongguk had seen the boy leave his house for school during his time of following him around at the beginning of his assignment. "Alright. Let's see what kind of clothes we can get you here."

"Yay!" Being purely delighted, Junhong dragged Yongguk inside of the store immediately. He was going to have so much fun with this.


Daehyun yawned loudly as he flipped through the channels in hopes of finding something good to watch. It had been about a half hour since Yongguk had left to spend the rest of the day with Junhong. He was hoping it was going well. It was blatantly obvious how much Yongguk liked Junhong. Although, Daehyun knew the elder would never admit to it. He would rather keep it secret than to act out on it. Well, that's where Daehyun came in. The younger wanted Yongguk to actually follow his feelings, and tell the kid how he felt. Hell, that was ten times better than Yongguk staying single forever. Daehyun suddenly heard the front door opened and looked up to see Namjoon stepping inside the house. "Hey Joonie!"

Namjoon looked up when his name was called. When he saw Daehyun, the teen smiled softly. "Hi Daehyun-hyung. I didn't expect to see you here. Where is my big brother?" Namjoon asked while removing his jacket then his shoes.

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