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"This is fucking bullshit!" The sound of Yongguk slamming the folder down on the table echoed throughout the room. It was the next day, and the assassin had not wasted time in telling his close friends of the new assignment his boss had given him. "How the hell does the Boss expect me to kill a kid?! A kid younger than my little brother!"

Himchan grabbed the folder and opened it to read about Yongguk's next target. His sharp eyes scanned over the words, a deep frown appearing on his lips. "This is insane. It says here the boy is only seventeen years old. He is definitely younger than Joonie." The black haired man passed the folder over to the dirty blonde man that was seated beside him.

The dirty blonde man took the folder from Himchan and opened it up to read the assignment. While reading the assignment, a furrow could be seen on the man's handsome face. "This is ridiculous. Why would the Boss order you to kill the son of the man whom he wishes revenge on? That doesn't make any sense." The blonde spoke with a thick Busan accent.

"I asked him the same question, but the fucking asshole got mad at me." Yongguk leaned against his chair, folding his arms across his chest with a deep frown on his face. He was still not very happy with this assignment. There was no way he was going to assassinate a kid. It felt wrong to him. He wanted to back off this assignment. However, his Boss had made it quite clear he wanted Yongguk to do the job. Why him? There was plenty of other assassins that would not care with taking a kid's life. Why not ask one of them? Thinking about all of this made Yongguk more angry.

"If he became angry over this, then that means he really wants you to get this job done." Himchan said, folding his arms across his chest. He shifted his gaze over to the blonde man, who reading over the background of the boy. He noticed the frown on his face. "Is there something wrong, Daehyun?"

Daehyun's eyes scanned the paperwork for a moment before looking up in Yongguk's direction. He knew this wasn't going to sit well more with the elder. "Hyung, it says here that Junhong attends the same university as Namjoon and Taehyung."

Yongguk's eyes suddenly widened largely once he heard what Daehyun said. "What?! Are you fucking kidding me?!" When Daehyun held out the folder, Yongguk snatched it without meaning to and looked at the paperwork. When he saw it was true, a low groan escaped his lips. "You got to be fucking kidding me..." The assassin dropped the folder on the table and ran his fingers through his hair with irritation.

"Don't worry, Guk. We will figure down thing out. I promise." Himchan reached out to place his hand on his best friend's shoulder. He knew this was stressing the other out quite a bit
Especially since there was a chance the target could know Namjoon. If so, that would definitely add to Yongguk's list of problems.

"Is everything alright?" Came a gentle voice of a man that entered the kitchen. "I heard quite of bit of shouting. Is there something wrong?" The red head stepped over to Daehyun and sat on the man's lap.

"Yongguk Hyung is dealing with some problems with his new assignment. The Boss apparently wants hyung to assassinate a kid." Daehyun explained, wrapping his arms around the male's slender waist.

"What? Why would he need to assassinate a kid?" The red head looked at his boyfriend with confusion before shifting his gaze to Himchan and Yongguk.

"Supposedly the Boss wishes to seek revenge on the boy's father. But, that doesn't serve as a good enough reason to target a innocent kid." Himchan shifted his gaze to Yongguk for a moment before looking back at the red head. "To make matters worse, Baekhyun, the target attends the same university as Namjoon and Taehyung."

Baekhyun's eyes widened slightly. "He does? Well, that is quite the problem." The red head frowned slightly while leaning against Daehyun's chest. "When does your assignment begin, Yongguk Hyung?"

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