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Yongguk was suddenly woken up by the sound of his phone. Groaning softly, the assassin reached out to grab his phone without trying to wake Namjoon. When he saw it was Himchan calling, he answered the call. "What's up, Himchan?"

"Hey Guk. Sorry for not calling sooner. The assignment took a little longer than planned." Yongguk could hear Himchan sighing on the other line while getting into his car.

"I see. Was everything alright?" Yongguk spoke quietly, not wanting to wake his younger brother. He knew it would be better to move Namjoon onto the bed, but he didn't want to disrupt the younger from his sleep. Besides, Namjoon looked so cute sleeping against Yongguk like this. So, the elder simply remained on the bed with his younger brother on him.

"Yeah. Everything was alright. Just had a little bit of trouble with the target. The fucker didn't know when to die." Himchan startled the engine of his car and drove down the road towards his home.

"Damn. Sounds like he put up quite the fight, huh?" Yongguk laid his head against his pillow while running his fingers through Namjoon's soft hair while the younger slept.

"He definitely didn't. On top of that, I had to chase the fucker around the house. He almost escaped the house, but I managed to stop him. Knife right in the head." Himchan had definitely didn't enjoy chasing after his target one bit. It was such a hassle, and Himchan was the type that wanted to get things done right away.

"Nice. There is no way he is running now." Yongguk chuckled a little, not knowing how the deep sound caused Himchan's heart to flutter. "Did the Boss say anything to you before you left?"

"Actually he did. And it was regarding what happened that day at Junhong's house. I'm heading over to your house now so I can discuss it with you. Is that alright?"

"Yeah. That's fine with me. I just need to make sure not to wake Joon. He is sleeping on me right now." Yongguk glanced down at his sleeping brother.

"That is so adorable. It's nice to see how close the two of you are. Make me wish I had a younger brother to pamper."

"You have Jongup, don't you? You can pamper him. I'm sure he would love that." With Jongup coming to mind, Yongguk couldn't help but feel saddened over the fact Himchan had feelings towards him even though he was dating Jongup. The assassin really hoped his best friend would try paying more attention to his boyfriend. He figured the younger was very lonely, and seeking Himchan's attention.

"Yeah. You're right. I really do need to pamper him more..." His boyfriend's face popped into his mind, and Himchan's expression became sad. He had been neglecting Jongup quite a bit lately. Sure, they lived together and saw one another everyday, but Himchan doesn't remember the last time he had actually spent some time with Jongup. On top of that, Himchan was beginning to really like Yongguk. That just made everything worse. Lightly shaking his head, Himchan accelerated a little faster. "Anyway, I'll see you in a few, Guk." Before his friend could say anything, Himchan hung up the phone.


Yongguk sat down on the couch in our living room while holding two cans of beer in his hand. He handed one of them to Himchan with a soft smile. "Here."

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