"But orcs. . . I hate more."

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      A/N: Just a little obvious reminder/statement . The gifs in my story is not the charecters it's just what I am describing or I am picturing the character doing or saying . The scene may not be completely matching the Gif . Like they might be wear more clothes than the gif does or less but they are doing something similar to the picture .

There will be a little bit of a lemony like scene in this chapter nothing in detail but it suggests certain things .

   Gandalf had explained the Creature was a man and that he was a skin changer . Which suprised me because I thought their race had been extinct for a long time now. He sent us all off to sleep and gandalf and led me to a room and told me .

"Beorn would not want a young Fae maiden sleeping on his floor this I know for certain . " He had said to me .

So that's put me here in this bed in the dark wear a shift from under my dress being I had no sleep clothing . Because I wanted less to carry so I could runfaster and had left mine in Rivendale .  I sighed to myself unable to sleep due to how alone I felt inhere by myself . i now realized how accustomed I had become to sleeping and just being near my maet at all hours . Being away even if we were in the same house .

I can not wait till this quest is over so I acen marry him if his mother will allow it . Fili says she will love me adn thar even if she didn't but he doubted that . He would mrry me anyway . Which I can help but feel bad about that thought . He could n't give up his family and title for me .

I heard a creak and looked toward the door to see Fili sneaking into the room as the other dwarf could be heard conversing about sleeping arrangements .

"Fili what are you doing?" I whispered to him now sitting up on an elbow ,

"i could vare the thought of not having you sleep near me ." He said now looking emmbarrassed at what he said which made me break out into a smile and lift the blackt back so he could fit right in nest.

He slid his boots off before he climbed with made me realize his jack laid at the foot of the bed.we snuggled together . he smiled to me before he pulled me into a kiss I retrned it fast tongue clashing now after he broke through my lips . in a fiery need that screamed his possession of me . my heart reached out to him and I could feel our bound dance together heat traveling through out my body .

"I think you want more than to just lay with me , my prince

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"I think you want more than to just lay with me , my prince ." I rasped through my lips swollen after having been passionately kissed by the dwarf I hoped to spend forever with .

"How do expect me to not want you in such ways ." He kissed down my neck as I giggled ."My mother should have warned me of such beautiful and seductives fae's such as yourself ."


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