Fighting for life

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Sigrid stepped to check what the pattering noise was she thought it was her father . as she stood outside I heard the roof creek gthan  a Roar as Sigrid entered the house SCreaming . Somthing stopped her from closing the door . The Noise made the children jump from their seats in fear I looked to fili . It was  the orcs they finally caught up to us and their main target wasn't even here .

The second door  was kicked in seting Oin into action to fight throwing a bowl of food the beast . as that happened One broke through the roof . Sigrid finally lost her battle for the door agianst the first Orc that showed itself . It knocker her onto the bench I stood by Kili's body protecting from the intruder while Fili Fought the Orcs .

Sigrid slid and hid under the dining table making me yell out .

"Children Hide yourselves ."

Fili growled in anger as he slammed into the Orc Continously . Another Orc Broke throught he roof after Fili was knocked to the ground . I screamed when Three more broke throught the roof .

"Kili you must lay down ." I shouted over the noise as he saw the racket.

That's when I was suprised to see the redheaded Elf who I never learned her name .

The blonde broke through the roof . The Orc that was closest to me I kicked in the face until it pulled me down to the ground snarling .

"Fii!!" I yelled unable to find him in the chaos .

the Orc was soon removed from me before I could use my vines by The Blonde . I nodded my head in thanks and her returned it to me in welcome . The Elves continoused to go about the room with procision. Killing the Orce Methodically one by one .

"You killed them all."Bain said in shock .

"There are others ." The blonde elf spoke now to the red head . "Tauriel Come ."He started for the door .

Oin looked to the Elleth . "We losing him ."

"You have to help us ." I pleaded with her seeing how she was reluctant to leave my bother in law .

He said her name once more before disapearing . "Tauriel ."

"You can't leave him like this please ." I pressed  as Kili Cried out again in pain.

She froze by the door and looked back to Kili. I saw her step out of the door and my heart sank looking back to Kili . I pressed my hand to the wound and felt the thrum of my magic Pushing and pulling out on his Aura . My goal was to suck out the impurity's in him I was so close if I stopped now I would fail completely  I needed help to finish . I had no slue how to finish and not lose the poison back I was starting to feel loss of energy the hard pressed .

I noticed Tauriel walk back in and order him to be place and told them  not to remove my hold .

The men lifted him on the table as I kept our connection .

"Hold him down . "The elleth ordered as she walked up to the wound lifted the corner of my hand as Kili continued to fight . She started to speak in elfish sending a shiver down my spin like her magic was connecting to mine running through me . I could feel the bile rise in me as I felt his infection move through me. I worried for a second about my child but believed since we were built for healing It would be fine .

She kept speaking as she slid the herb und our hands now both pressed to his wound . She continued to chant I cold feel the wind pick up in the room moving with my heart beat . Her words pushing the poison further into me help me pull out more . A light shined from our clasped hands . as Kili looked to her awestruck as if he was seeing her for the first time .

I shot away and vomited the Bile into a nearby Bucket . I noticed it was black was that the poison I took it being that it had to go somewhere .

unexpected love sequelWhere stories live. Discover now