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   "They may not be the best fit bit they'll keep you warm ."said Bard voice bringing me out of the my haze how disgusting my day had gone . The only bright side of it was How fili still acted as if I was the best smell , tasting , and looking girl around . He stood by my me kidding my cheek .

The littlest girl handed me a dress . "This is Sigrid's old dress it was suppose to go to me whan I was big enough , But you can have it . " Her sweet smile made my heart warm .

"Thank you , i will not keep it long i will return it too you sweetheart ."

She smiled before moving along to pass out more clothes to the dwarves .

I looked about before Bard walked over to me and spoke . "You can change in my room upstairs ."

"Thank you Bard , This means alot to me ." he nodded but looked like he wanted to say something to me .

"Need help love." Fili said before Bard could leave my side .

"Fili ."I hissed as he kissed my cheek I smacked his arms before walking away rolling my eyes .


 I sat angriliy at the table The girls working about the house . All of them had left and told the kids that they would return to me soon . I was angry sad so many emotion I could decribed but most of all heart broken .

All of a sudden Bard burst in the door and spoke . "Were are they ?"

Bard's son spoke . "I tried to stop them ."

Skip -

I followed Bard out the door as he went toward the angry crowd . I broke through the crowd as Bard not catching the end of Thorin's Speech .

"Death!" Yelled bard , I stood next to him as he stepped forward to see Fili looked down in shame .

I stood by Bilbo now not speaking only looking to fili ,who couldn't meet my eyes.

"dragon fire and ruin . "Bard said to thorin . "If you awaken that beast .  . It will destroy us all . "

"You can listen to this naysayer ."Thorin said to the crowd . "But I promise you this: If we succeed . . . all will share in the wealth in the mountain . " The crowd chattered loudly to each other. "You will have gold to rebuild Esgarothe. . .10 times.!"

"All you msut listen to me , Have you fogotten what happened to dale ? Have foorgotten thos who died in the Firestorm?!" Bard tried to change the crowd tune on  the matter . "ANd for what purpose . . . the blind ambition of a moutian King . . .so dreven mad by greed . . He could not see beyone his own desire!"

"now , Now! " said the large man on the stairs of the house we were all surrounding . "We must not, any of us .. . . be to quick to lay blame. let us not forget that it was . . . Girion , of dale . . .your ancestor . .  .who failed to kill the beast !"


I stood at the window of the room I was to sleep in  . Replaying in my mind the conversation Bard had with me before I had left to sleep in the room given to Fili and I .


"I would like to speak with you Mira." Bard said to me as we started towards where he knew the dwarves would be  towards the shouting crowd further in town .

"What is it bard?" I asked .

"I have noticed and I am no expert but I do know a thing or two about it from memory . " He started . "Well you hve been ill lately but not just on the boat but since the boat before the boat as well as other symptoms as well . 'He tried to hint .

"What are you getting at ?" I asked confused .

Bard stopped and looked to me . "I think that well . .  Is it possible you are with child Mira ."

"What ?" I asked shocked .

"Pregnant , with  child , expecting . "He listed hoping I would understand .

"I mean I uh well . . . ."  I looked down and made the connections and thought of the timing for a fae and hobbit pregnancy .Both ran close to a human pregnancy but Fae's showed symptoms faster but carried for the same amount .

"This isn't fair I suppose to be angry at fili not excited see him . . stupid dwarf ." I Huffed making Bard chuckle .

"Oh I'm sure you'll be able to muster the emotion Mira ."

"I'm really oh my . " I let a shocked smile and life break out .

-Flashback end -

There was a knock a the door stopping my memory from going on in my mind .

"Come in ." I said wrapping the shawl I was given closer to me .

Fili nervously shuffled in to the room ."Mira."

"I don't see why you knocked since you don't seem to care about my thoughts and feeling anymore ." I said to make him feel worse I wasn't all that angry anymore just wanted to tell him the news already .

He wrapped his arms around me and smothered his face into my hair . "Please forgive me Mira . I just wanted you safe love ." he spoke up into my hair .

i sighed . "I have to tell you something Fili." I said to my mate in anticipation and  worry it was too soon . we haven't even been able to have his traditional marriage ceremony .

unexpected love sequelWhere stories live. Discover now