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               We sailed over the river as Bard  guided the ship around the ice as we went . I leaned into Fili as we sailed .

"Watch out !" Bofur hollered as we got close to a large building or statue.

"What are you trying to do drown us ?" Thorin demanded of the man .

"I was born and bred on these water, Master Dwarf. " he stated to Thorin .

I leaned my head back into Fili until I felt another wave of sick and rushed to the edge of the boat and vomited over the side into the water as we sailed . I felt Fili soothing me by rubbing my back .

"I think I am ill Fili." I rasped as I stayed bent over the edge .

"You'll be alright love maybe you get sea sick ." I nodded in thought As I heard Bard finish his sentence .

"if I wanted to drown you  I would not do it here. " Bard said finished

"Must you continue to question him Thorin." I groaned after throwing up again.

I sighed as Fili took a cloth and wiped my chin making me frown . As My stomach turned again and threw my head back over feeling the acidic vomit resurfaced.

"Oh, I've had enough of this lippy lake men . "

"And I have had enough of Both this lake and the male genders mouths . " I sneered why was I in such a bad mood .

"I say we throw him over the side and be done with it . " Dwalin finished ignoring my complaint .

"Bard his name's Bard.." Bilbo said to the dwarves .

"How do you  know ?" Bofur asked as he still clung to a rope hanging from the mast .

"Uh, I asked him."

"I don't care what he calls himself . " Dwalin stated . "I Don't like him."

"We do not have to like him ."Balin said firmly . "we simply have to pay him .Our young mira has already paid the first half ."

I sniffed my nose leaking now making me curios if it was actually be on water that was making me ill. I looked up and saw Bard looking to me with a look of thought like he was trying to figure something out   .

"come on now lads, turn out your pockets . " Balin urged .

all the dwarfs started to empty their pockets to pay Bard for his help.

I looked to the water and listened to Dwalin and thorin.

"How do we know he won't betray us?" Dwalin asked .

"We don't ." It made me curios why everyone couldn't trust in one another but I guess my thinking this made me naïve due to my living in the shire for so long. I had not discovered before the ways of the world . Apparently the ways of the world were you can't trust no one and you have to lie to get by. Which made me sad for those who grew up this way and not with  the  hospitable ways of the shire folk.

I looked back to Balin who was counting out the money the boys had handed over . "There's just a wee problem. ." He said as he finished counting . "We're ten coins short . " He told Thorin who came around to look.

Both Bilbo and I looked up to Thorin who crossed his arms before speaking . "Gloin, come on." He said insinuating that he was holding out . "Give us what ya have."

"Don't look to me ." Gloin said in denial . "I have been bled dry. . . by this venture . What have I seen . . . for my investment?" He dramatized his denial now making me bite my lip in amusement . "Naught but Misery and . . . grief and . . " Everyone turned and looked away in the other direction behind me . So I turned and saw the Mountain now showing through the fog .

"It's beautiful Fili." I said now .

"That it is." he said in return .

"Bless my beard . " Spoke Gloin now in shock as he saw the site .

I turned to look at the Gloin who was shuffling and digging into his pocket . "Take it , Take all of it ." He said now .

"Ahem . " Bilbo cleared his throat now as Bard hopped down and spoke .

"The money quick, give it to me . " He spoke in a rush .

"We will pay when we get our provisions but not before ." Thorin stated .

"If you value your freedom , You'll do as I say ." He looked ahead . "There are guards ahead . "

We all looked to where his vision had pointed . I felt a wave of sick and moved to vomit pushing by Fili .

"I want off this thing soon ." I groaned out .

"We will Thorin is handling it."  Fili spoke as my brother now stood by my side .

I stood straight now wiping off the vomit into the cloth Fili had used before. He looked to me worried as did the rest of the company .

unexpected love sequelWhere stories live. Discover now