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Fili lifted me onto the horse with him after he got on it and wrapped his arm around my waist as he grabbed the reins . We road out and followed along with the rest of the company as we fled as we got close to the forest the sky became dreary .

We all dismounted after the long trek .

"The elven gate ." Gandalf said as he stood at the beginning of the path . "Here lies our path through Mirkwood." He called back to everyone .

"No sign of the Orcs We have luck on our sides." Dwalin said as he got of his horse .

Gandalf looked off in the distance before he spoke . "Set the ponies loose . let them return to their master ." I looked to where he had and saw the great bear that I knew to be beorn and I silently prayed for his safety .

I kissed the horses muzzle before Fili pulled me into him our things now collect and off the horses .

"This forest . . . feels. . . " my brother started .

"Sick . " I finished for him as he searched for a word. " I feel it to its . . like trying to wrap itself around my magic ." I said allowed to them as I now felt ill at the darkness .

"As if a disease lies upon it." Bilbo explains I nod in agreement .

 I feel Fili rub my shoulder trying to relax me now that I was all tense .

"Is there no way around?" Bilbo asks .

"Not unless we go 200 hundred miles north ." Gandalf responds making me sigh knowing we don't have time for that. "Or twice that distance. . south." He walked further in look at the path worried Now  as he probably felt what I did."

I looked to my brother who now looked Bothered by somethin but I couldn't figure what was wrong . Maybe it was that he just didn't want to enter the forest. I looked and saw what I thought was a gold ring peeking out . Something felt off about it at first glance it looked to be just a plain gold ring nothing special . but it was as if it was speaking aloud to me now .

As I was about to call out to Bilbo to tell him to get rid of what ever that ring was when Gandalf emerged from the trees and bellowed. "Not my horse I need it . "

" Your not leaving us ?" Asked my brother .

"I would not unless I had to. " He looked to Thorin than to Bilbo . " You've changed Bilbo Baggins ." He turned to completely face him now. "You're not the same Hobbit as the one who left the shire ."

"I was going to tell you ." Bilbo said now bit he sounded off like he was worried . " I. . . Found something in the Goblin tunnels." Bilbo must be talking about the weird trinket in his pocket that gave me a bad feeling .

"Found what ?" Gandalf looked closely to Bilbo . " What did you find ." He Coerced him to go on.

"My courage. " Bilbo said after a second before removing his hand from his pocket .

"Good, that's , well good . " The Wizard stood straight now. "You'll need it."

I sigh knowing he wouldn't be speaking of the ring anytime soon . but I felt Gandalf already knew and would deal with it himself. "I'll be waiting at the overlook, before the slopes of Erebor . Keep the map and key." Gandalf instructed as he strode to the horse . "do nnot enter that mountain without me . " He said to Thorin directly now .

"This is not greenwood of old . " He said now standing next to the horse . "The very air of the forest is heavy with Illusion. It's seek to enter your mind and lead you astray. "

"Lead us astray?" My brother asked aloud . "What does that mean ."

The wizard spoke from atop the horse now . "You must stay on the path . Do not leave it . If you do , you'll never find it again . " He turned around and started to ride . "No matter what may come, stay on the path." He hollered as he rode away .

Thorin walked through the group now toward the path . "Come on , We must reach the mountain before the sun sets on Durin's day .

"This doesn't feel right ." I voice quietly as everyone whispered .

" It is our one chance to find the hidden door . " He yelled out as we are now in the forest on the path .

"It'll be okay Mira ." Fili soothed before he laid a gentle soothing kiss to my lips quickly before he grabbed my hand and held it at we walked . His other hand on his sword which hung on a belt which he held over his shoulder .

unexpected love sequelWhere stories live. Discover now