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     We were in calmer waters now from what I could see as Thorin now had to paddle ahead of us .

"Anything behind us?" Thorin asked everyone.

"Not that I see ." Balin asnswered .

we paddled on I was starting to worry at how ill Kili was begining to look . My stomach turned probably from how much river water I had swallowed in the process of our escape. as well it pained with worry , fear , and least of all hunger.

Bofur poppped up out of his barrel spewing water . "I think we've outrun the Orcs. " He said to everyone.

"Not for long. We've lost the current ."Thorin started to list our problems. "

We finally made it too land and I knelt on the side and began to empty my nauseous stomach out onto the rock . I started to cry in between the vomits as it burned from not having food in me .

When I finally finished I whimpered at the taste . As I stood Fili looked to me worried he was about to say something when I spoke first .

"I took on to much water with an empty stomach . " It was mostly acid still feeling the heart burn in my chest .

Before he could argue Kili dropped to his knees in pain. "Kili !" I said in worry rushing to his left side wiping my mouth on my sleeve .  As Fili came up to his right and Bofur kneeled in front of him.

"It's fine . It's alright ." He said after he groaned touching his wound .

"You are not alright I can not let this go untreated . " I stated to him hushed .

He looked to Bofur who looked just as worried about him .

"On your feet ." Thorin Ordered as he walke over .

"Kili's wounded , his legs needs binding. " Fili said to his uncle in worry .

"Theres's and Orc pack on our tail. We Keep moving." Thorin pressed.

"To where?" Asked Balin .

"To the mountain. We're so close." Bilbo came forward shivering as he spoke. I settled my hand over Kili's leg and eyes widened at the wound . I felt the depressing darkness of the poison in the wound I don't know how to draw poisons out . I have never encounter them all the things I know I have taught myself from experience . But I have none with this I mean I have read some on elfish healing but I am no where near an elf .

"A lake lies between us and that mountain."Balin stated . "We have now way to cross it. "

"So than we than we go round." Bilbo Pointed .

"The Orcs will run us down, as sure as daylight." Dwalin countered . "We've no weapons to defend ourselves . "

Thorin stepped forward past Bilbo as he ordered us . "Bind his leg, quickly ." he stepped to the edge of the water . "You have two minutes."

I sat with Fili trying to heal him . "Fili he's poisoned ." I whispered .


"Shhh, I don't want everyone to panic what's that to do . I - He need an elf Fili . I can't I can feel the burn as if i'm lying but I don't know how I was never  taught . I start to feel the draw of his wound but . It stops to soon to accomplish anything . "

His feature showed more worry as I showed him my now growing warning  burn.

"We will figure this out." I sighed .

"Lets bind him that we'll work past this okay we have no time." Fili said to  me .

I sat with Kili helping to Bind him when I saw a shadowed man on top of the hill pointing hi bow and Arrow at Ori. "No!!" I stood and screamed fear of the loss of someone as innocent as Ori he was too young in life he had more of a life he needed to live .

unexpected love sequelWhere stories live. Discover now