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    The path was very long and twisting as we walked it felt as if we were repeating steps . And following the same path but in circles . It was begining to worry me if we were really not going the right way .

After a while It was as if I was being smothered in the darkness . I had no clue as to waht tim of the day it was . It was as if it was endlessly night here . I began to feel ill and dizzy at the fog on my brain .

"Air I need air ." Bofur voiced how I felt as I clung close to Fili. "My head is swimming!"

"Why aren't we moving . " Thorin asked as he walked around the Dwarfs ahead of him . "Nori." as he stood next to him . "Why have we stopped ?"

"The path." Nori spoke now ."It's disapeared .What's going on we've lost the path  !"


We walkd further now haveing turned around started to look for the path .

"Fili, i don't feel so good." I whimpered into his side as my stomach turned.

"It's okay love we'll be out of here soon enough. " He soothed as we kpt marching along .

I looked about and saw we were all seperate now I  could hear the other dwarfs but they were not here .

All of a sudden I was alone and I looked down and painicked we were no long on the path .

"Bilbo!!" i screamed . "Fili!" My heart thunderered at the thought of being lost and alone in the trees .

I Felt I was being shook than pulled into someone's Embrace . "Mira , It's okay I'm here ,it's Fili ."I sagged into him and started to cry .

"I don't want to be here Fili . " I barried my face into his chest . "we shouldn't stay here . " I whispered now.

"Shhh , I know , I got you." He whispered to me as I heard Thorin speak now.

"Somethings watching us . "

Than I heard my name being called as my workd went dark .

Skip -

I came to and it was dark and I heard Fili's voice speaking to me

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I came to and it was dark and I heard Fili's voice speaking to me . I felt i was wrapped in something . Than i was being unwrapped from it I saw him now my Fili pulling the webs from my face and pulling me into a kiss .

"Thank god , I thought I lost you Mira." I smiled .

"Me to ." I admitted .

 We all stood after a moment of searching for Bilbo until we saw the spiders that had captured us giving chase . Fili grabbed my hand and pulled me along .  " Don't let go he ordered me as we ran . "

they soon had us surrounded and we had to stop and fight . I panick and had no clue how to defend against them . I realized they lived in this forest for a reason it was dark and when I thought of that I felt a shift in my Aura . Light shined in my hands and when a spider came towards me I held my hand toward making it fall back and hiss as if in pain but it started to circle me trying to find an opening . But I followed and caught it before it could get close.

All the dwarf teamed to pull a spider apart a spider ontop of Bombour . We continued to fight and defend one another as they continoued .  Fili pulled me along as we began to run again from them .

Thorin than yelled . "We're clear!" But just as he said that another one dropped right as he turned and faced it.

we all prepared to  fight again until we say elves in the distance above running toward the Spider. I quickly hid my hands in Fili's jacket huging him close to me until my hands would fade .

the blonde Elf slid under the spider spit it in two than pointed his arrow at Thorin. at the same the others pointed theirs .

Thorin went for his when the elf spoke . "Do not think I won't kill you, Dwarf." He stated . "It would be my pleasure."

I wonder to my self how someone could hate so easily without knowing a person . I knew that the two races did not get along maybe all elves of this forest were just as hatefull. It made me sad two know so many could miss out on the comany of theses dwarf just because of precocieved hatred .

I heard a yell and took my hand out of fili's jacket as well all looked for the sounds of . Kili yelling in distress.

"Help!. "

"Kili" Fili hollered turning to face his brother who was now tackled to the ground .

Before anyone could go to his rescue a tall redheaded elf maiden Jumped about adn shot arrows into the spider. She rolled down the ground as she landed and stabbed another in it's head twice before whipping around and slicing another . she than turned and stood just as quickly and shot an arrow killing the spider attacking Kili making him turn around and look in aww .

" Give me a dagger , quick!" kili yelled as another one apra=oached him .

"If think I'm giving you a dagger dwarf you are ." she finished the spider she was fighting before she whipped around and threw it . " Mistaken." She finished as the last spider dropped dead.

"Search them ." the blonde said out . The redhead now spoke in elfish .

they all surrounded and started searching us . "B'ey !Give it back!That's private ." Gloin protested as the blonde took out his picture book of his family that I knew Gloin carried with him. It was obvioisly not a weapon why would the elf take it .

"Who is this your brother?" He asked gloin .

"That's my wife."

"And what of this horrid creature?"

"Tha't my wee lad , Gimili." He answered elf .

I slapped a elfish that got to close to my chest . "You think and elf would know where to and where not to  touch a lady." I growled .

Fili pushed me into the middle behind him letting the elf search him instead. I could see him glare at the Elf before him . I saw the lead blonde elf get handed Thorin's sword he spoke in his language before he looked to Thorin and spoke . "Where did you get this ?" He quiestioned him.

"It was given to me ." Thorin answered .

" Not just a thief but a liar as well." He pointed the sword at Thorin.

I pushed my way infront of thorin. "He does not lie."

"It is as truthfull as a fact as I sat here in this dreadful forest ." I stated now .

He looked to me with mild interest before he spoke elvish now to his people . We were soone marched along Fili hlding me close.

We were marched into the kingdom led around . If I was now being held captive I would say it was beautiful but I felt very little liking of this place being that I was being kept by such people who may look nice on the outside .

unexpected love sequelWhere stories live. Discover now