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      We all sat in our cells mine was next to fili being this close yet so far pained me in so many ways . I could almost cry from the sorrow of the situation that we were in .

As if he could sense my mood He spoke. "Do not fret my love we will be free soon."

"How do you know Fili , It seems like this keeps happening to us . as soon as we are free we are captured ." I spoke Moroseley.

"Shh , Let us worry about that just rest ." I sighed .

"Tell me about your mother , what is she like . "

"Oh she is very pretty for a Dwarven woman and and so stubborn . No one can tell Dis what to do , But she is also soft when she needs to be . i love her so much and I hope she is well." He said finally .

"do think she will like me?"

" i know it , she will love you just as if you were her own Mira ." i could here his grin though the stone .

"I can't wait till I can meet her . She sounds so wonderful." i said now more calm .

"i love you Mira "

"i love you more." i said in return .

I peaked out and saw The blonde elf as  The redheaded woman elf walked away i could tell he heard my conversation .

We sat for a minute before He to disappeared  .

I could hear the dwarves slamming there bodies into the cell doors.

"You all must stop you could hurt your selves it will do us no good at this point ." I tried to reason.

"Leave it !" I heard Balin holler from further away . "This is no orc dungeon . These are the halls of the woodland realm.No one leaves here but by the Kings consent. "

They all stopped now and I could hear my love slide down the wall to sit .

I began to sing and humming where there were no words in the song that I knew by heart . I drew designs in the dirt of the floor as I sang to the dwarves in there cells .

I Could feel all of them relax around me in there cell just a fraction as I sang the song as best as I could . i didn't feel confident enough in my voice but I felt it could pass the time some in these cells that we were now trapped .

I let out a nervous breathe as I finished the song .

"My that was enchanting my love . " spoke Fili in rapture .

i blushed even though I could not be seen . "Thank you ." I whispered in answer.

Skip -

Soon Thorin was returned to us and thrown into his cell by himself .

"Did he offer you a deal?"Balin asked .

"He did ." Thorin answered .

I crawled closer to the cell door to hear better what they were saying.

"I told him to Ish kakhre al-'d dur-rugnu!, Him and all his kin ." He yelled out.

"Well , that's that then ." Balin said resigned ."A deal was our only hope ."

I heard thorin whisper but couldn't undertand him .

"I don't evn understan what you just said and I know We're  screwed . " I mumbled making Fili chuckle in the cell next to me.

"Trust me Mira ya needn't know what Uncle Thorin said to the elf king . "

I giggled .


I sat silently and looked to the wall that my Fili laid behind .

"I miss you already ." Said to him .

"Aye me to ." His voice bounced over the walls mingling with the quiet conversation the elf woman from earlier held with Kili.

"I feel so alone in this tiny cell even thoughI know you are just right there." I answered him.

" I can almost see your blush my wife ." I blush at the mention of it  he had not called me that often but when he did it made my heart soar to know that I was his and that I would be no others .

" I love you my husband . " I whispered laying out on the ground of the cell .

"try and rest Mira you will need you energy when we get out of here . " He told me .

"if we do ."I said now laying in the fedle position .

"i promise you will be free from these walls Mira do not feel unsettled ."

"I will try - " I cut myself off with a yawn .

"Sleep now ." He whispered ."I promise you will see the sky again . "

"I do not care if I can not see you as well . " I sighed ." I trade seeing any beautiful veiw if I could just see or hold you once more Fili." I spoke sadly as my eyes drooped from the lack of sleep.

"Than I promise you will see me soon and when you do I will hold you so close and never let go again ."

I smiled at his words before I drifted off . "Good night." I mumbled sleepily as I went .


I was shaken awake and hear a whisper near my ear .

"Wake up mira , We are free and we must leave quickly . "

"Five more minutes Fili." I mumbled into my arm I said not putting two and two together .

I heard his deep rumble of a laugh . "If only I could love but we must run." he whispered .

Than it hit home he was in my cell . "Fili!" i hollered.I bolted up and looked to my beautiful mate in happiness of his prescence .

He smiled but spoke softly and quickly . "SHHHH! You must be quiet as much as I love you enthusiasm ." I threw my arms around him and kissed him throwing my whole body onto him .

I was now on his lap him on his back on the grown and we looked to each other with love in our eyes .

"Together ?" I asked as I Linked

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"Together ?" I asked as I Linked .

"Forever ." He answered closing our now clasped hands.

"As much as I love how happy you are sister we must go " I heard Bilbo Speak rushed from outsied My cell .

I stood quickly and helped Fili to his feet and we both rushed out of the cell and slowly snuck around following the dwarfs being led by little brother .

unexpected love sequelWhere stories live. Discover now