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Seeing the  Docks ahead and me vomiting must have made up Thorin's mind because soon I was lifted into a barrel With Fili by Dwalin . Fili and I scrunched together . We could have used separate barrels but I felt safer with Fili instead of by myself .

"What's he doing ?"  Dwalin questioned in a whisper . 

"He's talking to someone ." Bilbo's hushed voice  answered . "He's pointing at us .Now they're shaking hands .

"What?" Thorin's voice growled .

Dwalin spoke angry now . "The villain . He's selling us out." 

"Calm down okay we will be okay I can feel it trust me okay . " I hissed to the paranoid dwarfs .

I heard clanking noises coming closer to us than  I felt the cold fish land in the barrel with us . I buried my nose in Fili's coat trying to mask the smell that made me gag.

I heard the dwarves groaning all about at the stench . I heard Bard faint voice through the fish .

"Quiet , we're approaching the toll gate. "

we sailed on I held back a wave of Nausea .

I soon heard a man yell out . "Halt ! Goods Inspection!"

I felt the barge slow to a stop .

"Papers please!" The man yell out . "Oh, It's you Bard . "

"Morning Percy." Bard's voice rang out in answer.

"Anything to declare?"

"Nothing but that I am cold and tired. And ready for home .  " I heard Bard stop the boat and walk toward unknown man .

"You and me Both." The man's voice walked away there was a slam than he spoke to bard again . "There we are all in order."

"Not so fast ." A new voice spoke they sounded rude and like they would be a pain in the butt to be acquainted with . "Consignment of empty Barrels from the woodland realm." The voice rang out as if reading off of something . "Only They're not empty. . . Are they Bard ?"

I heard footsteps on the boat now . "If I recall Correctly . . . " The annoying man continued . "You're licensed as a bargeman . Not a fisherman . "

"that's none of your business." answered Bard .

"Wrong. It's the Mater's business , Which it makes it my business. "

"Oh, come on , Alfred, have a heart, people need to eat . "

"Theses fish are illegal. Empty the barrels over the side . "

I clung on to  Fili tight In fear of being plunged into the icy water  . I heard clutter of footsteps as a random spoke in answer to Alfred .

"You heard him ."the new voice said . "Into the canal . "

"Folk in this town are struggling. " Spoke bard now panic in his voice . "times are hard , Food is scarce . "

"That's not my problem. " Alfred answered him selfishly.

"And when the people hear the Master is dumping fish . . . back into the lake. . . " Bard spoke passionately now. "When the rioting starts. . . Will it be your problem then ?"

"Stop ." Ordered the voice of Alfred ."Ever the people's champion eh, Bard? Protector of . . . the common folk. You might have their favor now, Bargeman . . . But it won't last. " I heard Alfred's voice go away with his foot steps .

Than there was a yell from the man from earlier . "Raise the gate!" I heard the moving of wheels and metal clank before the Barge started to move again .

"The mater has his eys on you ." Came the voice alfred agian he must not have left far . "You'd do well to remember : We know where you live . "

"It's a small town , alfred . Everyone knows where everyone lives . " Answered bard as we sailed away from the horrid sounding man .

Soon the boat slowed down and came to a stop when all of a sudden Fili and I's Barrel was tipped over . I landed ontop of Fili and he on his back fishing spilling out onto the deck with us .

Fili looke to me with a smirk . "I like you here my dear." I look to him and realized i was now straddling Fili . I scoffed and slapped his chest lightly failing to hold back a smile soon I giggling as he continoued to smile at me before kissing me .

"No." I pulled away quickly . "I have been throwing up all day so gross ."

"you didn't taste off ."

"No not till I have had a chance to rinse my mouth . " I laid back groaning after I climbed off .

A/N: Friday I'm not gonna be able to post I am going to see my mom.

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