Safe ..........

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                I stood by My husband now calmed down  from vomiting second hand poison . Oin walked up to stand next to us .

"I've heard wonders of Ellvish medicine . That was a priviliege to witness . " Oin said to us walking awound to Fili other side .

I looked to Fili to see him looking to me instead of his brother and the Elleth . "What ?" I asked .

"I think it was more a a privelage seeing Mira Heal the way she glowed and it was as if the whole world was intune with her in that moment . Ready to do what ever she wished for whether it were to heal or kill . "

"Aye that be true lass , The combination of your twos magic was a mighty sight . You should learn more about the healing magic of yours . " 

Oin walked away leaving me and Fili alone I sighed we stayed looking to Tauriel and Kili. I sighed and went to turn around and look out the window behind us when I was pulled to face him .

Than out of nowhere he grabbed my face and kissed me with all he had .

I wrapped my arms around him and we kissed unil I was pinned between the counter and him

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I wrapped my arms around him and we kissed unil I was pinned between the counter and him. his hips pushed into mine but I pushed away . Turning us around trying to explain why we should be going at it in this house in front of people.

"We shouldn't , You brothers here and were not alone it weird to be just becau-" I was cut off suddenly by him grabbing my jaw .

 after a minute I giggled as he spoke

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 after a minute I giggled as he spoke . "You talk to much somtime love."

I pouted a bit until he pulled me to him for a kiss .

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i squeaked when we kissed

A/N: Yay finally finished with the sequel hope you enjoyed keep a look out for the third and final book soon . :) p.s : leave a comment about the story it will help me loads to know your guys thoughts .

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