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   I was now sitting in Bards home Fili adn I both agreed it would be to emotional to say goodbye at the docks after last night we wanted to leave it at a happy note . And we would reunite when Erober was returned to us .

"So how are you feeling ?" Bard asked from across the table his Children close by .

"Oh as best as I can be , i was sick agian when I woke ,don't doubt It will not be the last time today to be honest with how much heart burn I feel . " I said with a laugh .

He smiled. "Yes I remeber their mothers complaint of that ."

I smiled sadly but before I could speak There was a knock at the door . Bard stood and went to the door . I heard voices but one sounded familiar almost like Bofur it couldn't be for he was with company on their way to the mountain .

I prayed silently for their safety my heart leapt when I saw the failiar faces of  some of the dwarves that I had come to love . but When I saw the slumping sickly image of Kili my heart sank  . The poison was setting in fast and I could see in his face he dind't have long my heart broke at the thought.

"Lay him Down !" I shouted the order after making eye contact with Fili in worry .


Kili laid now on the bed cryin out in agony .

"Can you not do something ." Bofur asked Oin as he brought the hot water we had asked for ealier .

"I need Herbs . Something to bring down his fever "

"I have night shade ." Bard said i the kitchen . "I have feverfew."

"They're no use to me . Do you have any kingsoil?" Oin said to him .

"No it's a weed . We feed it to the pigs ."

"What !" I shouted in suprise ." it's a very well known Elven herb for healing Atheleas . "

"Pigs ?" Bofur asked."Weed. Right ." Bofur turned to Kili and pointed . "Don't move." than disapaeard as I snorted a laugh rolling my eyes .


Kili still laid groaning in pain but something shattered in the distance shaking the ground .

"It's coming from the mountain . " Informed Bards Son who stood withhis girls by the kitchen window .

"You should leave us ."Fili informed . "Take your children and get out of here . " He told Bard he stepped away from his brother . I walked up next to fili and clasped hands with Him .

" you might still have time to get out

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" you might still have time to get out ." I offered .

"And go where ?" Bard asked "there is nowhere to go ."

"Are we going to die , Da?" Asked his youngest Tilda  .

He looked back to his children . "No, Darling . "

"The dragon it's going to kill us ." She said to him .

Bard looked about and looked sadden by his daughters words before he became determined and ripped down the bolt holding there herbs.

He turned holding it and spoke . "Not if I kill it first. "

unexpected love sequelWhere stories live. Discover now