2 - Being Reunited

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"BIG BROTHER WE'RE LATE!" Alluka called to her sleeping brother.

Killua waved his hand dismissively. "5 more minutes...."

He didn't know when he fell asleep, but it must not have been too long ago since no nightmares seemed to have invaded his head that night.

Alluka was already up and dressed in a yellow sweatshirt and light blue skinny jeans, her clothing style nowadays was much more casual than the long dress and robes she would wear two years ago.

Her pale hands rested on her hips as she stood at the foot of her brothers bed. "The meeting starts in 10 minutes!"

Killua wasn't particularly excited about going to Kurapika's emergency meeting. It's not that he didn't want to see his old pals again, it was just this uneasiness in his stomach that for some reason decided to show up.

Nevertheless, he willed himself to roll out of bed. Alluka continued to stare at him with her arms now crossed. "I've set a new pair of clothes in the bathroom for when you're done showering."

"Since when did you become so responsible?" Killua asked, a small smile settling his features.

The younger Zoldyck dropped her arms and giggled. "Well I can't rely on my big brother forever. The first time we went bra shopping you had me try on a bra that was bigger than my head!"

"Hey! I'm not a girl! I don't know the sizing system for bras! I was trying my best geez..." Killua argued, crossing his arms before entering the bathroom.


The warm water felt good on his back and he smiled to himself. The teen was happy his sister was finally becoming more independent, although he was a little worried for what the future held.

Killua is definitely not a parent, he isn't even an adult. So taking care of his sister can be quite troublesome. He remembers the first time she got her period; not a fond memory at all. There was a lot of screaming from the siblings, as both were uneducated with this type of thing. Killua was worried that Alluka was dying or something. That is until he rushed her to the hospital only to have some female nurses explain womanhood to him. Definitely not the highlight of his week at the time.

He mentally sighed to himself. The ex-assassin may not be the best caretaker, but he was doing everything he could for his dear sister.

Now clean and dressed, Killua looked at himself in the large bathroom mirror. He looked pretty much the same from two years ago. The only differences being that he was a little taller, his face was a bit more defined, and his muscles were more broad.

He couldn't help but wonder if all his other friends looked different or the same. Images of what Kurapika would look like with facial hair crossed the teens mind and he cringed to himself. Definitely not a good look for his blonde friend.

Alluka was waiting outside the bathroom, her hair now in a ponytail with two strips of beaded hair free from the confinement. When Killua finally came out of the bathroom she immediately shifted her attention to him. "Finally! We only have 3 minutes, so let's get a move on!" She exclaimed as she grabbed onto Killua's hand and started marching down the hotel hallway.

Since their room was on the first floor, the meeting room was only down the hall near the lobby.

When they finally reached the entrance, the siblings could hear lots of talking coming from inside. Killua took this moment to grab onto his sister's shoulders and turn her so they faced each other. "Let's have a quick sibling pep talk okay?"

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