4 - The Bonds of Dusk

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It had been three long hours into the night. The time was now 2:00 a.m. and Gon was still cradling the smaller boy like a baby.

Somehow Killua was able to calm down and sleep peacefully during this time, but Gon never dared to get up and leave. He would never leave his friend like this, and quite frankly he didn't want to leave anyway.

In a strange way he thought of this moment as a sort of reconnecting with Killua, even if the other boy wasn't awake for the experience.

Although, the boy started to stir. He immediately tensed when he felt arms around him and started to panic.

"Relax! Don't worry it's just me." Gon whispered.

"Gon....? What happened? Is Alluka still here?" Killua quickly questioned.

The enhancer shifted slightly so he could see his friend. Clear worry was evident on Killua's face and Gon had to wonder if these nightmares happened often. "You had a bad nightmare so Alluka came to me for help. She's with Palm and Bisky though so there's nothing to worry about. Although.....you accidentally slapped her when she tried to wake you up. Nothing is broken though I promise!"

Killua's face visibly dropped. He looked down at the bed in shame. "I'm such an idiot...."

"You are no idiot Killua! You didn't have the intention of hurting her, it was an honest accident." Gon said, trying to convince his friend otherwise.

"I know but-...Gon!" Killua looked up at his friend to see dried blood covering half his face. Gon never bothered to clean his wound because he was afraid of leaving the pale teens side.

"Don't worry about it! It doesn't hurt!" Gon tried to tell the Zoldyck, but he was already rushing to the bathroom to get a wet washcloth.

Killua came back in seconds and started dabbing Gon's forehead, cleaning up the blood. "Don't tell me not to worry! This is my fault so I should be the one fixing it!"

"It's not your fault!" Gon immediately retorted back.

Killua let out a sigh and lowered his voice. "Can you just....let me do this for you?" He looked up, expression caring and apologetic.

Heat rose to Gon's cheeks and he was thankful that the lights were still off in the room. "...Yeah of course."

"How about you tell me a little about what you did in the two years we were apart." Killua suggested as he went to grab some bandages from the small first aid kit he carried around in his suitcase.

"Hmmm.." the caramel eyed boy started to think about everything that seemed interesting enough to share. "Well...after I met Ging we traveled a bit because he wanted to show me all the work he's accomplished. Then I went home to whale island to work on regaining my nen. It only took me around 6 months to build it back up to what it once was, but I don't think it'll ever be fully the same."

Killua paused applying the bandages to Gon's head and had a sudden remembrance of terrible memories. He halted the tears he knew were starting to form and finished applying Gon's bandages. "....At least you were able to get them back right?"

Gon nodded and laid back, totally drained from staying up so long.

The Zoldyck noticed the bags starting to form under his friends eyes and felt guilty for being the reason his was up so long. "Hey Gon...you can go back to your room and sleep if you want."

"No." Gon simply stated.

Killua looked at him confused. "No..?"

The caramel eyed teen pulled his friend next to him in the bed, causing Killua's cheeks to become dusted with a pink hue. "I said no. I don't want to leave you alone. Do these nightmares happen often?"

Killua nodded his head slowly, secretly regretting letting Gon in on this bit of information.

"You seem to sleep fine with me around. Maybe it'd be best if I moved into your room to keep you from scaring Alluka and I again." Gon suggested.

Killua crossed his arms. "Fine....but I'm letting you know right now that that is really embarrassing!"

Gon chuckled and tucked them both back in bed. "I think its good bonding!"

The cerulean eye teen scoffed, mumbling a 'whatever' before turning around and closing his eyes. He hated to admit that he actually slept really well in Gon's arms.

One thing kept racking his brain the rest of that night.

'This is dangerous. I might fall in love with him again'


Killua awoke to notice that he somehow ended up in a spooning position with Gon, with himself being the little spoon.

He mentally slapped himself when he started blushing like an idiot. "Damnit..." he whispered under his breath.

Finding a gray sweater and some random dark blue jeans in his suitcase, the Zoldyck went to get ready.

During this time Gon groggily got up as well, slowly making his way to the room next door to grab his suitcase to transfer it to Killua and Alluka's room, as he would now be staying there.

He threw on a green tracksuit and fixed up his hair. When Killua exited the bathroom he looked Gon up and down before pinching the bridge of his nose in disappointment.

"You look like a dad." He said.

"I do not! I think I look sporty." Gon protested as he posed.

Killua chuckled and walked over to his friend, unzipping Gon's coat to reveal a plain black tshirt. "That's better, but we are seriously going to buy you some better clothes today."

"Since when do you know so much about fashion?" Gon questioned.

Killua's face scrunched up in annoyance when he recalled a memory. "When you have to shop for clothes for your little sister you learn a thing or two about what's in style."

"And this awesome tracksuit isn't in style?!" Gon exclaimed.

The shorter teen smirked. "I don't think that was ever in style."

Gon crossed his arms in defeat, for as stubborn as he was he couldn't deny that the clothes he often bought himself weren't in the best taste. "Fine we can get new clothes, but first I have to go return my room key. So while I do that you can go get Alluka from Palm and Bisky's room. It's on the second floor in room 212, I'll wait for you in the lobby."

Killua nodded and they both headed off, ready to start the day.

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