5 - Killua Being Angsty

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Killua softly knocked on the door to room 212 and was greeted by the one and only Biscuit Krueger.

"Oh Killua! I know I saw you yesterday but I can't get over how big you've gotten!" She chirped.

The teens face turned into an annoyed scowl. "You even sound like an old hag now."

The next thing he knew, Killua's head hit the hallway wall from the force of Bisky's punch. He coughed and sputtered, but smiled nevertheless.

"There's the Bisky I remember..." The Zoldyck managed to say.

Bisky gave her former pupil a thumbs up. "Never forget it!"

"Bisky? Is everything oka-..BIG BROTHER!" Alluka exclaimed as she jumped into Killua's arms.

The teen gladly accepted his sister into an embrace, hugging tightly. "Im so sorry I hurt you..." he muttered in shame.

She waved a dismissive hand. "Don't worry I'm not mad. Just let me know about his stuff next time okay? Nanika was worried too ya know!"

The older Zoldyck smiled lovingly. "Please tell her that I'm really sorry. I don't won't her to be upset."

Alluka nodded in understanding and smiled back.

"Killua, we need to talk." Palm stated, now next to Bisky at the door.

He could kinda tell where this conversation was going, so he didn't question anything.

"Hey Alluka, why don't you back to the room and get dressed then go meet Gon in the lobby. Sound good?"

"Okay!" The overjoyed girl sprinted down the hall to the elevator.

Once she was out of sight, Killua directed his attention back to the two women in front of him.

"What happened to you?" Palm questioned, getting straight to the point.

Killua shrugged. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Palm told me about your nightmare, she said you were in a terrible state. So stop being stubborn and spill the beans!" Bisky demanded.

The teen crossed his arms, clearly not enjoying being in the conversation.

"It's Gon...isn't it?" Palm concluded, and by the way Killua tensed up she knew she was right.

Bisky noticed this too and tried to stop her playful attitude. "Did something happen between you two?"

Killua sighed and dropped his arms to their sides, looking at the two women with a sharp gaze.

"He messed up big time."

He turned to leave, Palm and Bisky not bothering to stop him because they didnt know how to respond to his comment.

"Oh and Palm, when we were fighting the ants you told me that I was the one Gon needed most. Honestly though, when I think about it I feel like thats utter bullshit."

"Killua! Think about what you're saying!" Palm exclaimed as she grabbed the Zoldyck's arm.

"I do know what I'm saying! In the end he did everything on his own! I don't even think he wanted me around! He...said such mean things." Killua shouted, fists clenched while nails pierced skin. Other guests occasionally peaked out to see the commotion, but quickly retreated to their rooms when Killua met them with a deadly gaze.

Although, the teen had calmed down now. Tears streaked his face, but he actually managed a smile.

"It's funny really. Even now, after everything he's done, I'd still clean up every mess he'd make because....because I fell in love with him and care too much."

Palm and Bisky were speechless. The taller woman letting her grip slip from Killua's arm.

He might've regretted telling them about his feelings for Gon, but he couldn't help the words that spilled from his mouth just then.

So he slipped his hands in his jean pockets and started walking towards the elevator, but he looked over his shoulder to Palm and Bisky who were still frozen in shock.

"I am by no means the victim. If I had actually opened up to him maybe things would've turned out differently. Funny how the world works like that right?"


The town was bustling with people and the chilly autumn weather was just to Gon's liking.

Killua preferred the warmth of spring, but had to admit that autumn was extremely pretty with the multicolored trees and bright gray sky.

"What's your favorite season Alluka?" Gon asked.

"All of them of course!" She exclaimed happily.

Killua face palmed. "But they are all so different! You can't like them all."

"I like different things about them all! In summer I like to go to the beach and in winter I like to wear big sweaters." She explained.

The enhancer patted her head and chuckled. "You definitely make a good point Alluka."

Killua crossed his arms. "Don't take her side!"

Gon stuck out his tongue jokingly at his friend, only to be met with a smack on the head.

"Stop fighting you two! We're here!" Alluka called.

The three of them had reached their destination; a small cafe in town. Before going clothes shopping for Gon they decided to at least get breakfast first.

Gon entered first, immediately entranced by the delicious smell of the place.

"How many?" The young, brunette waitress asked.

"Table for three please!"

The waitress nodded and motioned for the group to follow, seating them in no time. Killua and Alluka on one side of the booth and Gon on the other. The atmosphere in the cafe was quiet and peaceful, the large windows bringing in more sunlight that would help maintain the various plants the place contained.

After the waitress served their drinks and took their orders she left the trio alone.

"Hey Killua can I go hang out with Zushi after we eat?" Alluka asked, looking up from her phone.

Killua choked on his drink and coughed. "Zushi?! How do you even have his number?!"

Alluka giggled at her brothers overprotectiveness. "I talked to him a little bit yesterday at the meeting. He's really nice!"

"Nope. No boys allowed. That is extremely off limits." The Zoldyck crossed his arms to show he meant business, which only resulted in Alluka whining.

"Come on Killua, Zushi is a nice kid. I'm sure he won't try anything." Gon added in.

Although Killua was still not convinced. "You don't know that! He's at the puberty stage! Hormones are for sure to be all over the place."

The tan teen grabbed a hold of his friends hands from across the booth and looked into his eyes. "I swear on my life that he won't do anything, and if he does then I give you permission to slap me as hard as you can!"

Killua felt the heat rising to his cheeks and cursed to himself, he certainly couldn't say no now.

"Fine...I guess...but be careful!" He said, giving in to Gon's words.

All through breakfast Alluka was extremely giddy and thanked Gon multiple times for convincing her brother to let her at least be a little independent.

Killua didn't like the idea, but figured his sister would be fine. He mainly wanted her to stay so he wasn't alone with Gon.

He really didn't know how long it would be until his act gave out.

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