16 - Kukuroo Mountain

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Gon was on a time limit, he couldn't waste a second.

It was about three hours after he left and the teen was aboard a blimp on his way to Kukuroo Mountain.

He looked out the window, thinking to himself.

He didn't actually have a game plan for when he got to the Zoldyck mansion, nor did he know how he'd get the antidote back.

All the enhancer knew was that he wasn't letting Killua go home and he wasn't letting Alluka die.

In a sick sense Gon wanted to save Alluka to make up for being an ass to Killua in the past. Maybe the pale teen would love him more for saving his sister.

This wasn't entirely the case though. Gon loved Alluka like his own sister; he'd do anything for her. He'd also do anything for Killua.

Though, Gon still felt really shitty for his past, even though Killua and him had made up.

He just felt like a disgusting human being.


The testing gates were child's play to Gon. He could open them easily at this point.

Taking the familiar trail he remembered as a kid, Gon sprinted along the path. Canary was there to meet him once he got closer to the mansion.

The girl looked surprised to see Gon once again.

"It's been a long time. What are you doing here?" She questioned.

The teen got straight to the point, not wanting to waste more time.

"That bastard Illumi poisoned Alluka. Killua is torn right now and I came to get the damn antidote from that asshole. Sorry for the language, not as innocent as I used to be."

Even if the situation seemed grim and serious, Canary couldn't help but giggle at this new side of Gon she never saw when he was young.

"I'm not really supposed to just let you through butttt...I know first hand that you won't take no for an answer. So I guess I'll just have to pretend I didn't see you."

Gon grinned, waving to Canary as he ran past her. It was a good thing she was such an understanding girl.


The rest of the run to the mansion was just sprinting through the mansions forest.

Upon arriving at the actual mansion was when Gon drew a blank.

Killua's parents could be in there. He really didn't think this through.

For now, he'd have to be on his guard.

When he opened the door ever so slowly and silently, Gon was sure he could manage finding his way around.

Until he noticed a certain someone standing right in the center of the room.

"You're not Kil."

He should've known Illumi would be watching him the moment he made it past the testing gates.

"Right..uh about that. Listen, I just want the antidote to treat Alluka. If you could be civil and fork it over that'd be great."

Illumi's stare was so emotionless and dead it was always hard to tell what he was thinking.

"I gave Kil specific instructions, none of which included you coming here. I'd give you the option of leaving, but I'm afraid that's not how I do things around here."

In an instant Illumi advanced on Gon, sending a kick into his abdomen.

The teen went flying, but quickly regained his composure, ready to dodge the next attack.

Gon was doing a great job of holding his own in this fight. Illumi's needles couldn't even graze the hunters skin.

The two might've been close in levels of power, but Illumi was still the elder; still advanced.

He was able to get a hold on Gon's arm, dislocating it.

The teen screamed out, but the pain was entirely tolerable.

With enough blunt force, Illumi was able to knock Gon out with a chop to the head.


It was dark and cold.

Gon could feel that his arms were elevated; his legs dangling.

He opened his amber eyes to an empty cell.

His arms were chained up and his body was covered in cuts and bruises.

The door soon opened, revealing Illumi and Milluki.

"One of Kil's stupid friends! Awesome!" Milluki exclaimed, holding up a whip that he had brought with him.

Gon could break the chains easily, but he held off from doing so. He knew that it'd end badly for him if he freed himself.

So he let Milluki have some fun.

He was whipped several times, but the pain was at a minimum. He's definitely dealt with worse.

The only pressing concern was the amount of blood he was starting to lose. His multiple gashes were oozing the bright red liquid.

Milluki stopped suddenly, and Gon looked up to the second eldest Zoldyck.

"This display...it reminds me of when Kil was here, in that same exact spot. Oh how long ago that was!" Milluki exclaimed.

"...what...are you talking about?" The teen questioned.

Illumi, who was silently standing near the cell door, decided to speak up.

"All us Zoldyck siblings were tortured since childhood. It's how assassins train."

Gon was aware of Killua's family, how they are assassins and not the best of people. He was also aware that Killua himself used to be an assassin. Although, he didn't know that Killua had to endure this type of torture on the daily, since he was extremely young.

He spat a mixture of blood and saliva onto the cement floor. "You're sick people. Killua didn't deserve this...same for Alluka and Kalluto."

Gon looked up at the siblings with fire in his eyes and a determined intention present in his features. "I suppose I should cut you two some slack for being far too corrupted by your parents, but I'm too pissed to think logically."

The chains binding Gon's arms upward were broken in seconds. The metal feeling like paper to the young hunter.

Illumi was quick to act, sending some needles flying towards Gon's face.

The enhancer dodged precisely, pursing the two assassins.

Milluki was not a fighter whatsoever; Gon was able to punched him through the fucking wall with ease.

The eldest Zoldyck was a challenge.

Their first fight didn't fair well in Gon's favor. So he was hoping some luck was on his side this time.

The most he was able to do was uppercut the pale man in the jaw.

This sent Illumi flying through the ceiling.

With only a few seconds to rest, Gon sunk to his knees. The pain from his previous wounds were setting in, and they were bleeding profusely.

Illumi was back in no time, his head appearing to have been leaking with blood from the impact of the ceiling.

Gon slowly rose to his feet. His movements were slower now. He couldn't dodge the needles Illumi sent flying into his arms and legs.

He was pinned against the cell wall.

Blood pooled on the floor.

Teeth were clenched from pain.

Dying was what the young hunter believed it was coming to.

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