13 - A Pleasant Surprise

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"Gon please respond. It's Kurapika."

The enhancer debated whether or not he wanted to answer Kurapika's pleads.

He looked down to Killua, who he was currently cradling, and smiled sadly.

The poor boy went through so much in the last hour. He still had to be shaken up from the previous events. Although, Gon knew Killua was strong and completely capable of handling himself.

But this situation went too far for comfort.

Reluctantly, Gon answered the calls. Killua watched him with a curious content.

"Yeah? How is everything over there?"

"I killed him."

Gon froze. Did Kurapika really mean it? He had to ask to be sure.


"Chrollo. He's dead. The other troupe members fled the mansion, but Knuckle was able to capture one of them."

Gon didn't know whether to feel happy or inhumane.

"We'll be there soon."

Killua wrapped Gon's jacket closer around him to keep warm. "What did Kurapika say?"

"Chrollo's dead and one of the Troupe members has been captured. I...I don't really know how to feel about it."

The pale teen looked down at the grass. He wasn't as bothered by the whole thing anymore, but he could still feel the ghost of cold finger tips grazing his skin.

He definitely never wanted something like that to happen again.

If that happened to him when he was 12 years old, he would've wanted to slit the guys throat and leave without a single regret; however, nowadays he didn't really have that type of mindset.

Chrollo was destined to die from the beginning though, so Killua tried to focused on that.

"I don't really want to think about it." Killua muttered.

Gon nodded in silence, and picked up his newly found boyfriend in his arms.

"Whatever you want my princess." The teen cooed.

The ex-assassin smacked Gon across the forehead.

"Don't even start with the pet names! I'm fully capable of handling myself and am NOT a princess!"

"Owwww Killua!!! I was just kidding! Here let me fix it."

Gon sat back down on the grass and pulled out Killua's hair extensions and fake eyelashes.

"There! Now you are my prince."

Crossing his arms, the transmuter dramatically turned his head to the side. "Better."

Gon smiled and picked the smaller boy back up, sprinting back in the direction of the mansion.

The chilled hair hit both of the boys faces and the sky looked so beautiful for such a bittersweet night.

Landing through the same broken window he broke out of, Gon gracefully landed in the sinful bedroom that all of the nights disgusting events took place.

Everyone who attended the ball was in the room, surrounding Chrollo's corpse that was covered by a blanket.

Killua's eyes scanned the area, eventually landing on one thing being held by Knuckle.

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