9 - The Grand Ball

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Killua wasn't nervous about the mission or anything, but he realized he was absentmindedly twirling one of his pigtails between his fingers.

As Gon looked to the Zoldyck out of the corner of his eye, he noticed this little habit and thought it was one of the most adorable things hes ever seen. Although, he didn't dare comment on it nor even look at Killua too long; he knew the ex-assassin wasn't fond of talking to him at the moment.

It was a known fact that Killua used to be an assassin before he became a hunter, so he knew Gon would subtly stare at him every thirty seconds. Why was he staring so much? So often? Half of Killua wanted to shout at the kid to leave him the hell alone, yet the other half wanted to fondly stare back and get lost in those eyes that reflected a golden sunset.

He tried distracting himself with what Leorio was currently complaining about, which was why he had to wear a fancy suit when he already wore his own business suit everyday. Kurapika was obviously getting annoyed, there was a constant twitching in his right eye.

"You're lucky we're here. If I had to stay in this car any longer with you I most likely would've knocked you out cold." Kurapika threatened, eyes blaring scarlett.

Leorio raised his hand to his chest; extremely offended.

The two started to bicker like an old married couple. Bisky hushed the two of them, trying to remind them of the mission at hand. "Oh would you quit acting like a bunch of 5 year olds! Listen, Leorio will escort Kurapika inside and Gon will escort Killua and I inside. Understand?" She explained.

They immediately stopped their bickering, nodding in understandment before shuffling out of the limo, linking arms once they were both outside. Gon linked arms with both Killua and Bisky. Bisky on his right side and Killua on his left.

The pairs made their way to the entrance of the Nostrade mansion. The building itself being extremely huge and decorated. It may only contain two floors, but the width and length of the place was overwhelming.

Leorio sighed. "I'm going to get lost just going to the bathroom in this damn place!"

At this point everyone was fed up with Leorio's complaints and ignored him. Killua looked out of the corner of his eye at Gon, his face was scrunched in focus and his eyebrows were lowered, making him look almost angry.

Somehow sensing Killua's eyes on him, Gon met his gaze, his expression becoming curious. The ex-assassin quickly looked away, his face becoming red in embarrassment from getting caught.

"Woah that has to cost at least 1 million jenny!" Bisky exclaimed as she pointed to a large vase sitting on on fancy table.

That's when Killua realized that Morel and Knuckle had already let them inside and they were standing in the middle of the party.

Bisky had run off to gawk at more expensive items, leaving Killua and Gon alone.

"I don't see Chrollo, lets walk around a bit." Gon suggested, tightening his hold on their intertwined arms.

The transmuter responded with a nod and they took off, winding their way through the crowd of people. Suddenly, Leorio's voice came through the teens ear pieces. "Killua! You have a serious case of resting bitch face. Play the part of a cute, bubbly girl for crying out loud!"

Killua audibly growled through the earpiece and searched the crowd for that annoying doctor who was spying on him. He finally spotted him across the dance floor, and flipped him off. Leorio was just about ready to beat his younger friend to a pulp, but thankfully an irritated Kurapika dragged him off to another area of the mansion.

Although, a fake smile and cheery eyes made their way to Killua's face. He despised acting this way, but he didnt want to let everyone down.

"What a cute girl, care to dance?"

The boys turned to a tall man with blonde hair. Killua swore he recognized him from somewhere, but he couldn't quite place where.

"She doesn't want to dance with you, get lost." Gon stated firmly, acting totally unlike himself.

The man scoffed and took a step closer to Gon. "I don't think its your place to be deciding things for her; let the lady choose you asshole."

Killua could see the fire sparking deep within Gon's eyes, and he was about to open his mouth again to protest when a shorter man came out of nowhere, gently placing his hand on Gon's shoulder.

His voice was cold and monotone; very threatening. "I wouldn't suggest upsetting my friend. When hes upset I'm upset, and when were both upset we could abolish this place in seconds."

The hunters then realized these guys were spiders. Gon couldn't remember their names, but Killua recalled them as Phinks and Feitan, definitely not guys you'd want to mess with.

Thankfully, Gon was smart enough to back off. Although, he was still extremely pissed off for a reason Killua was unsure of.

"Boys no need to fight! If you want to dance with me I suppose you'll just have to take turns, but blondie over here did ask first." Killua exclaimed in the best female voice he could muster.

"Excellent." Phinks mused, taking Killua's hand in his and walking to the dance floor.

The enhancer crossed his arms and huffed in anger. Feitan was still next to him, taking a closer look. "Do I know you from somewhere? You look...oddly familiar." He asked, sounding as dead as Killua's brother Illumi.

Gon started to internally freak. Was slicking back his hair and becoming two years older not a good enough disguise?!

"No! You don't know me and I don't know you. I've never seen you before in my life. Oh wow! They have punch; I should go get some punch. Bye guy I've never met before!" The teen practically sprinted away, leaving Feitan even more suspicious. Though, Gon was entirely sure he nailed that lie.

Killua on the other hand, couldn't handle dancing with Phinks any longer. The only topic that seemed to leave the blondes mouth was about himself, and if the pale teen even seemed to not be listening, he'd get angry and start over his whole speech.

Watching from the sidelines with a cup of punch in his hand, Gon was once again seething with anger. Occasionally, random girls would call him handsome and ask him to dance, but he turned down every one of them.

He had only one thing on his mind, Killua Zoldyck.

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