11 - His Other Side

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Not even thinking, Killua entered the boys restroom. Why a mansion had separated restrooms, he'd never know.

The teen aggressively scrubbed away the ruined makeup, leaving only the fake eyelashes. Although, even without all the makeup, the eyelashes and hair extensions were enough to keep him looking very feminine.

He looked at himself in the mirror. His face looked better, but the royal blue dress had some dust and dirt scattered on it. That didn't really bother Killua; he just felt stupid dressed like this.

He wondered why he had agreed to help, why he had to go out of his way to look and act so dumb. When he realized it was because he was a good person now, it set off a trigger.

The enhancer with dreamy, golden eyes and slick, dark hair popped into his head. Gon was the definition of a good person, but right now all he was to Killua was an idiotic asshat.

Out of anger, Killua raised his fist and sent it flying into the sink counter, breaking off a giant section of it. The section broke into tiny pieces due to the powerful force, and the transmuter realized he shouldn't have done that.

A man burst through the doors, looking very alert. "What's going on in here?!" He questioned.

Since Killua was the only one in the bathroom, there was no way he was easily getting out of this.

"Um...my boyfriend broke up with me not too long ago and it really pissed me off! I just had to break something I'm so sorry!" Killua lied, twirling one of his pigtails around his pointer finger.

The man seemed to have believed the fib, but still looked confused. "But this is the men's restroom."

"...Anger can make a lady lose all sense of direction. Again, I'm terribly sorry!"

"No worries, I don't even own this mansion, just someone passing through. What is your name if I may ask?"

Killua started to internally panic. He wasn't the best at being creative, so he said the first thing that came to mind.

"My name is.....Kira"

He internally face palmed. Why would he pick a name so similar to his own?!

Although, the man didn't seemed phased.

"Kira...so that's your name. My friend was dancing with you earlier and told me about how beautiful you were, and he was correct. You have the most dazzling blue eyes and white hair."

The only man Killua remembered dancing with was Phinks, so if this guy was friends with him then that means....this man had to be Chrollo Lucilfer. The black hair, pale skin, and funky earrings seemed so familiar now. The brief moments of when Gon and him encountered this guy came flooding back.

Needless to say, Killua almost shit himself.

"Care to come with me? I promise I can show you a good time to take your mind off of that awful breakup you've just endured." Chrollo asked, holding out his hand for Killua to take.

The teen accepted the offer. He'd help out Kurapika to the best of his ability, even if he was still internally frustrated at the moment.


Chrollo led Killua to an empty bedroom on the second floor. The room was as beautiful as the rest of the mansion. A kings sized bed rest along the center wall with some fancy decor and furniture scattered around the room.

The transmuter could see where this was going, so he was going to have to strike fast.

The troupe leader entered first, and Killua saw this as an opportunity to kill him when his back was turned.

As quietly as he could, he manipulated his hands to create nails as sharp as knives.

Killua's heart started to race. This man was stronger than him. This man could probably destroy a city in the blink of an eye, but he couldn't think of that right now.

He leaped.

Launching himself forward, Killua swiped at Chrollo's neck, trying to aim for his cervical spine. If he broke it, the troupe leader would most likely become paralyzed from the neck down.

Although, Chrollo was not some rookie when it came to fighting. He grabbed a hold of Killua's wrist before his nails even made contact with skin, and slammed him into the floor.

Killua coughed and wheezed, but dug his nails into Chrollo's forearm anyway. He hoped it'd do something, anything, but unfortunately, it didn't even phase him.

"I remember you from years ago, and I know who you are. Killua Zoldyck, heir to the Zoldyck family business of assassins. It's a pleasure to formally meet you, but I'm pretty sure you aren't actually a female now are you?"

This man gave Killua the same sense of fear as Illumi; he had to run and get away.

Chrollo continued to speak, his voice oddly calm and flat.

"I wouldn't try escaping. You may have gotten stronger since we last met, but so have I. You are simply no match for me; I could kill you in seconds."

Sadly, Killua knew he was right. He'd die if he tried to run, so all he could do is let Chrollo do what he wanted to do.

But what exactly did this guy have in mind?

That question was answered when the older man's hands were suddenly underneath Killua's dress.

"H-hey! Stop that!" Killua tried pleading, but it got him nowhere.

Chrollo had lifted up the younger boy, carrying him to the bed and laying him down in an oddly gentle manner.

He hovered over Killua, basically straddling him, and began to tear the dress in half.

Killua's eyes went wide and he bit his lower lip, drawing blood.


What was he supposed to do?


Could he run away if he tried?


Was he going to die after this?


The dress gave away, and Chrollo tossed the two separate pieces of it on the floor.

He stared down at the pale boy beneath him; a sensual intention in his gaze.

Killua gulped, shivering when the Troupe leader glided his cold fingers over the sides of his close to porcelain body.

He was scared; terrified. Although, Killua refused to shed a single tear, even if he really wanted to.

The padded bra was the next thing to be removed, leaving the teen in only his boxers; he had never felt more vulnerable.

"You may not be a girl, but I never really had a preference. Either way you are certainly an angelic sight." Chrollo cooed as he slid his hands down Killua's v-line, reaching the hem of his boxers.

Out of instinct, the transmuter punched Chrollo across the jaw before hurriedly crawling farther up the bed as a means of a hopeless escape.

The Troupe Leader recovered quickly, grabbing Killua's leg and yanking him back to his original spot underneath him.

Chrollo slapped Killua not once, but three times across the face as punishment. It didn't hurt the boy, but a few tears managed to leak anyway.

He really knew at this point that he couldn't leave, and he had a feeling his electricity wouldn't work on this guy either.

Killua went limp, completely giving up. He didn't want to just let his body be at the Troupe Leaders disposal, but there was really nothing else he could think of doing.

In all his years of being an assassin, Killua was never trained for something as traumatizing as this.

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