7 - The Plan Unfolds

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Gon walked a full block length behind Killua. He wasnt sure what had come over his friend, but he knew that Killua rarely ever lashed out like that. At least never in front of him.

Back then they fought occasionally, but it was in more of a joking manner. Or about something that wasn't really serious.

Was it because Gon never called? Never reached out? Or was it more than that?

Steam erupted from his ears as he tried to piece together this impossible puzzle. Thinking too hard about any type of problem whether it be math or emotional was something that didn't change about Gon.

For now though, he'd have to put his thoughts to a halt. The hotel was coming into view as Gon made his way down the road.

He quickly checked his phone to see that it was 1:55. "Perfect, just in time."


When Killua arrived in the meeting room almost everyone was already there, with the exception of a few stragglers.

The teen noticed racks of suits and dresses in front of the stage and he couldn't help but wonder what in the world Kurapika had in mind.

"I'm here!" Gon shouted as he sprinted into the room.

The two teens made eye contact. Gon offered a small smile, but Killua ignored the gesture and walked forward, leaving his friend feeling extremely hurt.

He spotted Alluka and Zushi sitting with Leorio and joined them at the table, sliding in next to Alluka.

"Good, you actually showed up on time." Killua muttered.

Alluka smiled at her brother. "Of course I would! I never want you to worry too much about me."

The older Zoldyck smiled at his sister, but tensed up when Gon slipped into the seat next to his.

He felt bad in all honestly. Gon looked so hurt and confused, but he felt proud that he actually opened up a little. Maybe not in the nicest way, but it was progress.

Out of the corner of his eye, Killua noticed Palm and Bisky eyeing him carefully from another table. He figured it was just them being cautious because of today's conversation, so he left it alone.

"Hello everyone welcome back!" Kurapika said as he made his way to the stage.

He smiled, but his left eye twitched in annoyance. "So seems we are on a bit of a time crunch and this plan needs to be in motion by tonight."

Everyone gasped in confusion and intently focused on the Kurta.

"What the hell Kurapika?! Why the sudden loss of time?!" Leorio shouted.

Kurapika held the bridge of his nose to keep calm. "Light Nostrade has some clients that he's meeting in three days time, and I calculated that my plan would take a total of two days to complete. So Neon needs her power back as soon as possible to be able to tell the clients futures."

"Then let's hear the plan! I'm more than ready for this!" Knuckle added in.

"Okay so we all know that the Phantom Troup is a group of thieves." Kurapika explained as he made his way to the center stage. "If they hear about any big event they most certainly will be there to steal the most valuable items. So I planned to throw a ball at the Nostrade mansion. Leorio and I already got the word out about this ball, and it seems lots of people are planning on attending."

"But what would make the Phantom Troupe want to go to a ball?" Wing questioned.

"Well if you really think about it, people who own mansions will have a lot of valuable items contained inside. This will make it appealing to the Troupe and with Chrollo leading again, he most certainly will want to show up at this ball with his troupe members." The blonde concluded.

Everyone seemed to agree to the plan so far, but Kurapika wasn't finished just yet. He pulled a small notebook from his pocket and started looking through its contents.

"I have everyones roles assigned already. I planned to keep Ikalgo, Wing, Zushi, Alluka, and Palm here at the hotel for surveillance. Morel and Knuckle will act as body guards outside the mansion and Shoot, Meleoron, and Melody will survey the inside of the mansion. Finally Gon, Killua, Bisky, Leorio, and myself will go inside the mansion undercover and be apart of the ball."

"Doesn't sound too bad." Killua piped in.

"Oh um.... there's a part of the plan you might not enjoy very much Killua." Kurapika said as he tugged at the collar of his shirt apologetically.

The teen was left confused. "...what do you mean?"

"You and I are going to have to dress up as women."

"Say what?!" Killua demanded.

Morel, Knuckle, and Leorio burst into a fit of laughter while everyone else held back their laughs no matter how funny Killua dressed as a girl seemed. Gon was the only one who was blushing like mad imagining Killua in a dress, but thankfully nobody noticed.

Kurapika tried to make light of the situation. "It's all part of the plan! Your job is to get close to Chrollo and strike him when he's most vulnerable. I would do it, but I don't think I could contain myself around him for that long without my bloodlust seeping through. Although, if it makes you feel any better, I have to dress as a woman as well. The Troupe is far too familiar with my current appearance."

Killua was seething with anger and embarrassment. "Why do I have to do it though?! Why can't Palm or Bisky do it?!"

"Because Bisky looks too young and Palm...has scales? Killua you and I are the most normal and feminine looking males here I hate to admit, and I didn't want to suggest Alluka because I knew you'd protest it."

That feminine comment made Killua feel slightly offended, but Kurapika was sadly right. There also was no way he'd let Alluka do a job like this.

"Whatever....I'll do it. When does this whole thing start?" He asked.

Kurapika checked his watch. "It's 3 now so if we can get everyone dressed and ready in two hours that'd be great. The party starts at 7 and Morel, Meleoron, Melody, Shoot, and Knuckle will have to get there early to set up cameras for surveillance and act as guards to let guests inside. So I suggest we begin right now, the clothing racks on stage are for the people going to the mansion. Everyone will be wearing suits except for Killua, Bisky, and I understand?"

Everyone nodded in agreement and got to work, picking out the correctly sized outfits.

"I get to dress you up yay!" Alluka cheered to her brother who only let out a long sigh.

"...this is going to suck"

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