15 - Leaving

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Killua was completely thankful that Leorio was working at the hospital that night; he could trust his dear sister in his hands.

The doctor in mention dropped everything when he saw the Zoldyck siblings, and Gon, run in.

Currently, Leorio was out of Alluka's hospital room, getting results for the tests he conducted.

Killua and Kalluto sat on the left side of Alluka's bed, and Killua was holding her hand. Gon sat on the right side of the bed, holding her other hand.

The female Zoldyck wasn't getting any better. Her condition only seemed to be worsening by the red blotches that had appeared on her cheeks and neck moments after they entered the hospital.

It didn't take long for Leorio to rush back to the hospital room, clipboard in hand.

"Killua. Gon. Can I speak to you two? And Kalluto was it? You can stay in here to look after your sister; the talk won't take long." Leorio announced.

Doing as told, the two teens left their places next to Alluka's bed and followed the doctor into the hallway, Kalluto silently staying at his sisters side.

"What's wrong with her?!" Killua pressed, desperate to know what went wrong.

Leorio flipped through his clipboard, presumably looking at notes of some sort.

"I don't know how it happened, but Alluka was poisoned. I've never seen a poison like this before; I don't know if there is a cure. The most I can do is slow the effects, but if she doesn't get an antidote soon...she could die."

The pale teen looked down at the floor.

He couldn't lose someone he adored so much.

Someone who he promised a better life.

"...How long do you think she has."

Leorio pushed up this glasses, feeling extremely tense and empathetic, remembering someone he had a high admiration for that passed long ago.

"I'd say about three or four days at most."

Gon was about to try to comfort Killua in some way, but the ex-assassins phone started to ring.

Killua lifted the phone to his ear.


"Hello Kil."

The transmuter tensed. Illumi of all people had to call now.

"What the hell do you want?" Killua snapped.

"That's no way to talk to your older brother, and the person who has the answer to your little problem."

Killua's eyes widened and he ground his teeth together as he turned on speaker phone so Gon and Leorio could hear. "What the fuck did you do to Alluka?!"

"While you were away on that mission of yours, I stuck a poison covered needle in Alluka completely undetected. You can thank Milluki for helping me find your location."

Gon was angry as well, and Illumi's monotone voice made it that much worse.

"If you want the antidote Kil, you only have to do three things for me. First, you must come home. Second, you must stay home. Third, you must listen to me and follow my orders. I'll leave the decision up to you, but Alluka doesn't have much time left so I suggest you choose quickly." Illumi ended the call after that, leaving only shock.

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