12 - Gon's Rage

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Meleoron was sluggishly wandering the second floor of the mansion when he heard a loud thud followed by other strange sounds.

This cacophony of noises made him alert, and he sucked in a large amount of air, holding his breath, to activate his invisibility.

The ant was not a fighter by any means; he was more of a spy. The steps he took were cautious ones, as to not accidentally instigate a confrontation.

Upon approaching the ruckus of noise, Meleoron peaked his head into a large bedroom. What he found almost made him gasp; he had to slap his hand over his mouth to keep from screeching.

There, was an obviously very distressed Killua underneath a man that the ant couldn't recognize, but from what everyone at the hotel was saying, he could assume it was possibly Chrollo.

Hurriedly, Meleoron rushed down the hall to the entrance of the stairs that connected to the first and second floor.

He whispered into his earpiece to alert the others. "Guys..Killua's in trouble."

Gon was the first one to respond, his tone sounding worried and serious. "Tell me where you are right now."

"I'm waiting at the top of the stairs on the second floor; I'll take you to him."

Everyone started bombarding Meleoron with questions, but he didn't have time to respond to them all; it would waste time.

Although, one voice broke through that made everyone go silent.

"My big brother...is in trouble?"

Alluka wanted so desperately to tell someone, anyone, to save her brother. But doing this would be considered a request, and Killua gave strict orders to keep Nanika in check.

"I'll save him Alluka, dont worry." Gon said, breaking the silence.

It was like an answer to her prayers. Alluka was so grateful for Gon; it was if as he knew what was on her mind.

Gon wasted no time in sprinting through the halls and up the stairs to meet up with Meleoron.

The ant looked extremely uncomfortable, and quickly led the teen down the hall without a word.

"In there..." He pointed to a door in the middle of the hall.

Trying to have at least a little self control, Gon carefully peaked around the door.

His eyes went wide.

Flames engulfed his common sense.

And he jajakened right through the entrance, destroying the door and half the wall surrounding it.

Chrollo didn't waste time in throwing himself off of the boy beneath him. He quickly assessed the scene before going into battle mode.

Gon clenched his fists and ground his teeth together. His eyes shot daggers and when he spoke, he words dripped like poison.

"I'll fucking kill you."

The troupe leader was always a calm and collected individual, but in this moment, the boy in front of him made him feel completely unsettled.


Killua called out to the enraged hunter as he tried to grab the surrounding bed sheets to cover his now nude body.

His cheeks were tear stained and turning slightly purple from being slapped so hard.

Chrollo took this as an opportunity to lunge for the pale teen, wrapping his hands around his neck.

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