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I stepped off the plane, walking in to retrieve my bags, then go to find that one bedroom apartment I had rented for my stay here, however long that would be.

"Hm. So this is my new hunting ground." I mumbled as I walked through the streets, following the GPS on my phone. I landed outside of the apartment complex and soon found mine, going in, finding the two pairs of keys under the mat. I took both in with my bags and began to unpack and make myself at home.

I took a small nap until about ten at night, then put on my disguise and my outfit, slipped on my hat, and hid things on my person. I had my phone in my back pocket, my keys in my left front one, and my favourite knife in my right front one.

I checked my reflection and smirked. My green eyes had black makeup around them and long lashes. My silver hair hung around my shoulders with a black beanie down to the tops of my perfected eyebrows. I had a long black sweater that came to the middle of my thighs and some thigh high black socks on with combat boots.

Last came my face. The top of my nose to the middle of my chest was thick, heavy facepaint that took the form of the bottom half of a skull.

I had figured out ages ago that Kira needed a name and a face to kill, and he didn't need to be present for the killings. There was no fucking way he would ever figure out my name, but to be safe, I hid most of my face except my eyes.

I snuck out and went down a back alley, hummed to myself as I walked along. I heard someone's footsteps behind me, and turned to look as a man pressed me against the wall, his arm against my neck, trying to cut off my breathing.

"What's a pretty little thing like you walking around a place like this?" He said. "Shouldn't you know better?"

Without saying a word, I began laughing, wheezing out laughs in his face, and I saw the confusion and slight fear. I closed my mouth, smiling, letting my teeth gleam in the darkness and I giggled.

"What's a stupid thing like you doing in a place like this?" I asked and my fingers slipped the knife out and opened it, all without him noticing.

"What?" He asked, stuttering a little.

"Aw, adorable. You're gonna be fun to play with." I giggled before digging my knife into the soft skin of his neck, blood spraying out and over me, and I grinned as I watched him choke on his own blood.

He sunk to his knees, his eyes wide and glossy, but still alive, still feeling. I lied him against the wall, taking my knife out and watching the dark glossy blood dribble down and stain him. The sight got me excited, and I wiped my knife across his cheek, giggling as I did so.

"Ah. Thanks for that. You've no idea how badly I needed that." I said, cleaned my knife on his opposite shoulder, and a light shone to my right.

I looked over and saw two cops. I slipped my knife back in my pocket and turned to them, my gleaming teeth smiling in the darkness.

"So soon, officers?" I asked. They started to come forward and I put my hands up, and they were soon cuffed behind my back.

"Wait. He's... he's a known rapist." One cop said, and they looked at me.

"Should we..." he looked at the other.

"I think we should. Ryuzaki would want to know about this." The first nodded, and I was placed in a car, not exactly sure what was going on.

I paid attention to where they were driving, and it wasn't a police station or a jailhouse. Instead, a tall building, where both of them grabbed my arms and lead me in, and to a room with a number of computers.

They sat me down in a chair, and I chuckled. "Good thing I like it rough, huh, fellas?" I grinned, and saw the younger one flinch back from me. Couldn't blame him. I saw my reflection coming in: I was splattered with that rapists' blood.

"Wait here." The older one said.

"Wouldn't dare go anywhere else, honey." I called as he went through a doorway and the younger one stayed with me. I hummed and just closed my eyes, relaxing back as I waited.

I heard the door open and didn't open my eyes until I heard someone sit in front of me and the room go silent.

"What's your name?" I heard a voice ask, and it sounded so familiar, and my eyes flashed open as I looked to see who was in front of me, and slowly, I grinned.

"Holy shit."

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