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Lawliet and I woke up hours later to Wammy waking us for dinner.

"The kids all helped with dinner." Wammy said as we walked to the dining room.

"They did? That's so sweet." I smiled and as we entered, saw a fucking feast laid out on the long table. "Guys. You shouldn't have."

We sat down, both of us at the head, looking down the table. L reached for the chocolate pudding, and I elbowed him.

"If you don't get some real nutrition in you, I swear to the Gods-" I said and he rolled his eyes and went to grab some actual food to put on his plate, and I gave a pleased smile.

"Can't have you dying before we get married." I shook my head and scooped macaroni and cheese onto my plate.

"I've lasted this long." He hummed.

"And it's a fucking miracle." I shook my head.

"Don't swear around the kids." He gave me a look.

"Aurora, did you know that you're now the main reason that Mello has a swearing issue?" Matt spoke up and Mello hit his arm.

"That's not my fault." I huffed.

"It is, and you know it." L gave me a look.

"Shit, fine, you're right. Shut up." I said and shoved some macaroni in my mouth.

"So how did you finally catch Kira?" Near asked and we both looked up and to each other.

"Well, first off, it was Aurora who managed to catch him, thanks to her impatience. Well, them." L said and everyone around the table's eyes widened.

"There were two?" Near asked and we nodded.

"Yep, they were working together. We had proof that someone was the main Kira, but we weren't making any arrests because, according to L, the evidence wasn't concrete." I explained.

"Anyway, thanks to Aurora being impatient, she managed to force answers out of our suspect and we arrested him and his girlfriend, the second Kira." L finished.

"Did you torture him?" Matt asked and I coughed.

"No, who do you think I am? Mello?" I asked with a grin and Mello grumbled. "I'm kidding, Mels. You know I love you."

"So what have you two done since you left?" Roger asked. I simply looked to L, waiting for his answer.

"I worked on cases here and there that took interest, or when asked. Not much aside from that." He said and I simply didn't answer.

"For six years? No exciting stories?" A girl asked.

"I think that's your area, Aurora." L gave a small smile to me.

"Hm. Let's see... what's an exciting story that's also appropriate for you guys?" I hummed and looked to the ceiling to think. I clicked my tongue then delved into a story of the time when I had followed a suspicious looking man onto a train, only to find out that I get motion sick, he was extremely high, and I was stuck in Florida without any of my stuff except my phone for three days.

Soon, it was time for the kids to go to bed, and I was going to the kitchen to clean dishes like I used to, but L held the back of my shirt and pulled me to our room and to bed. He lied me down, closed the door, and crawled over me and began kissing my neck.

"The kids probably want me to sing them to sleep..." I said, trying to sit up, and L pushed me down, one hand sliding under my shirt and resting on the top of my stomach.

"You're tired. You went right to sleep." He mumbled and began to kiss down my collarbones and a little on my chest.

"But-" I tried again and he looked me straight in the eye.

"You're tired. You went straight to sleep, you'll do it tomorrow night." He said in a low voice, and I couldn't help but smile, now knowing what he wanted.

"When did you become so needy?" I asked, letting him take my shirt off me.

"Since I lost you for six years. You wouldn't believe how bad I missed you." He sighed into my neck, pressing kisses to my shoulder.

"I believe I have an idea. You have any idea how bad I missed you?" I turned his face to mine and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"I think I can guess." He hummed into the kiss and began to work my pants down my legs.

"Idiot." I smiled and shook my head at him. "My idiot."

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