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I sat on my bed with my laptop for hours, the flashdrive plugged in and me drinking my blue lemonade as I racked my brain for every piece of Lawliet I had stored up there.

I typed out everything I knew about him, the Wammy House, Near, and Mello, and even Quillish Wammy himself.

There was a knock on my door and I looked up and saw Light open my door slightly and poke his head in. "Sorry. Ryuzaki needs your help with something. He asked me to come grab you." He said.

"One second." I said, then looked back to my screen. I typed one last line before saving it to the flash drive and erasing all memory of it from the computer after I removed the drive.

"Last, and most importantly, L is a liar." Was that line.

I tucked the drive under my pillow before leaving with Light to the main room.

I walked out and found everyone sitting at a table, and there were two empty seats. I took the one next to L. "The fuck do you want? I was working." I said, sitting cross legged in the chair.

"On what?" He asked.

"On my insurance. Jesus, you're still nosy as ever." I scoffed.

"What insurance?" L asked, staring at me.

"The insurance that if you send me to jail, Kira gets all the information about you. All of it. Everything." I looked back at him, then scooted over a bit and snatched his candy bowl with hard coloured sugar candies in them. "Now, what did you call me in for?" I asked again.

"Give me your analysis of Kira." He said. "I want to know how much you know, given that no one has told you anything."

I sat back with a grin on my face. "You just wanna see if I'm spouting bullshit on me being about as smart as you. It's alright. I get it. And I'll bite." I said and popped a candy in my mouth and let it dissolve as I talked.

"Kira is an intelligent young adult who resents all things evil. He also wishes to end crime in the world and create a utopia in which he reigns supreme. Kira has a God complex as he can kill off anyone as it suits him as long as he has their real name and their face. Power has overtaken Kira and he craves nothing more, his thirst for death is not quenchable. Every human is a pawn to him and he takes great satisfaction of knocking each and every one of them down, even if they are close friends or acquaintances of his, I believe. Kira's only wish is for him to become the God of his own world and he will lose his humanity with each person that he kills." I said, fumbling with a candy between my fingers.

"It's laughable, really, how he craves for a crime-free world. The hypocrisy of it all." I grinned, looking up through my lashes, probably looking demented.

L was still staring at me, his mouth dropped a little.

"You really need to start believing me. The faster you do, the better, and the less shocked you'll be." I grinned over at him, shooting a wink.

He simply took the candy bowl back from me. "No more for you."

"Fuck you mean?! Gimme!" I said, leaning over to grab it, my hand doing a grabby thing that toddlers did when they wanted something, and L's eyes locked onto my hand.

"I recognise that..." he hummed.

"Nice, you're getting closer. Now gimme." I whined and took the bowl back. "Hey, you wanna play a game?" I asked.

"I... I thought we were playing a game." He said in confusion.

"No, like a game game." I said and he just sighed at me.

"Something tells me you like games."

"How could you tell?" I grinned at him, remembering all the games we used to play together when we were younger.

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