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I wake up to my alarm going off. I get up from bed and change my clothes. Here we go again. Thank god it's Friday, I guess. Being stuck in the house for two days isn't something I like to do. I grab my bag and leave the house.

"What happened to your cheek, did you look at the mirror and it broke to your face?" Someone says behind me followed by laughter. Marcus Gunnarsen. The biggest problem of them all. You wouldn't expect a famous singer to be a bully would you? Well at least I wouldn't but everything isn't what it seems . I just keep walking not minding the laugher and name calling. Suddenly someone trips me and I fall in the floor. I look up, Martinus Gunnarsen. You'd expect at least for him to be nice but no. He's not. Life isn't a fairytale where suddenly someone falls for you and all the pain disappears.

"Jesus Martinus I'd expect for you to be better at least." I say when I get up from the floor.

"What do you mean?" He asks. You gotta be kidding me.

"Well you look like you're a nice person but no, you're not. I thought that famous people were better than this because they have better things to do with their lives but oh well at least there's you and your brother to break the stereotype." I say and leave. I go to the classroom and sit on my place. We have maths now and I'm not good at it so I just draw in my notebook. The lesson goes by slowly as always. After class I'm the last person to get out as always.

I'm sitting on the bench outside. I see some people whispering and looking at me every once in a while. There's Marcus, Martinus and some of their friends. I try to ignore them but I can't so I just get up and go back inside. I have nowhere to sit there so I go straight to the next classroom and sit on my place at the corner. The bell rings and everyone else is getting inside too so I take a deep breath and prepare myself for whatever that is coming.

"Hey loser where's all your friends? Oh wait you don't have any." Alex says. Oh come on, at least try to come up with new things to say to me.

"Shut up Alex that's getting old!" Someone says. Oh my god did someone actually stand up for me? I turn my head and see that it was Martinus. Wow, I did not expect that. I give him a small smile and turn back.

The rest of the classes go by slow but finally it's over. I go back home and lock myself into my room. I don't want dad to yell straight to my face so he can just yell through the door or something. I spend the night on my phone and doing homework and stuff.

It's Saturday evening and I'm bored out of my mind. I decide to go out and walk around. It's kinda dark already so and no street lamps so I don't see that well. I bump into someone and they fall on the ground.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry are you okay?" I ask them. He takes off his hood and I see his face. Oh no it's Marcus shit.

"What the hell watch where you're going you stupid bitch." He says and pushes me to the ground.

"Marcus stop!" Someone says behind him.

"Why would I it's just Jenny."

"Oh." the person behind Marcus says. That's all? What is wrong with people. It was Martinus, I could tell his voice from a group of people speaking at the same time.

"Come on let's just go Marcus." he mumbles and they leave. Just as I thought that Martinus would be a little nicer to me. But no. I get up from the ground and start heading back home. The last bits of my good mood just vanished thanks to the Gunnarsen twins.

I climb the ladders on the side of the house up to my room so I wouldn't have to deal with dad yelling at me. I get up and close my window after me. I look at the clock on my wall. It's 11pm. I have nothing better to do so might as well go to sleep.

Him. // Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now